
dài bǔ lìnɡ
  • warrant of arrest;writ of arrest;warrant for apprehension;writ of attachment
  1. 对他已发出逮捕令。

    A warrant has been issued for his arrest .

  2. 在戒严时,警方无需指控或逮捕令就可以逮捕嫌疑人。

    Under the state of siege , the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants .

  3. 专员发出了对她的逮捕令。

    The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest .

  4. 现在,人们发现它正在前往威尼托,威尼托尚未发布逮捕令。

    He has now been spotted heading for Veneto , which has not ( yet ) issued a warrant .

  5. 巴西警方称周三签发了另外三份对Pro10公司主管人员的逮捕令。

    A further three arrest warrants were issued on Wednesday for directors of Pro 10 Management , Brazilian police said .

  6. HassanNasrallah在电视讲话中对法庭的逮捕令作出了回应。

    Hassan Nasrallah gave his reaction to the tribunal 's arrest warrants in a televised address .

  7. 美国私人股本基金&孤星(LoneStar)的两位高管将面临韩国检察机构提出的引渡要求。此前,首尔一家法院已签发逮捕令,批准逮捕这两位高管。

    Two senior executives at Lone Star , the US private equity fund , will face an extradition request from South Korean prosecutors after a Seoul court issued warrants for their arrest .

  8. 企业监督机构CEOScore负责人ParkJoo-geun表示,传唤李在镕“可能会导致三星今年的计划被搁置……因为在明日调查结束后,检方可能会发出逮捕令”。

    The summons " is likely to put the brakes on Samsung 's plans for this year , " said Park Joo-geun , head of CEO Score , a corporate watchdog , " as an arrest warrant could be possible after the investigation tomorrow . "

  9. 莫雷诺-奥坎波开始争辩说,icc享有优先审判权,因为是他们在联合国安理会要求下于6月份发出了对卡扎菲父子和阿卜杜拉的逮捕令。

    Mr Moreno-Ocampo had at first argued that the prior claim belonged to the ICC , which issued arrest warrants for the two qaddafis and Mr senoussi at the behest of the United Nations Security Council in June .

  10. 被指控的国际足联前高管杰克·沃纳(JackWarner)在周三晚间于母国特立尼达向警方自首,阿根廷的一位法官也对起诉书中控告的三名媒体与营销高管发出了逮捕令。

    A former top FIFA executive who was indicted , Jack Warner , turned himself in to the police late Wednesday in his native Trinidad , and in Argentina a judge issued arrest warrants for three media and marketing executives names in the indictments .

  11. 周一,巴西当局发出逮捕令,逮捕与THG公司相关的4人,其中包括英国千万富豪马库斯•埃文斯,他是THG母公司和伊普斯维奇城足球俱乐部的持有者。

    On Monday Brazilian authorities issued arrest warrants for four people connected to THG , including Marcus Evans , the British multi-millionaire who owns THG Sports ' parent company and Ipswich Town Football Club .

  12. 法庭指定塞登担任中国清洁能源公司的资产管理人,为了向任宝文加压,他准备了一份逮捕令公告,计划通过公司新闻发布平台美国企业新闻通讯公司(PRNewswire,简称美通社)发布公告。

    In an attempt to increase the pressure on Mr. Ren , Mr. Seiden , the court-appointed receiver for Sino Clean , prepared a notice about the arrest warrant to be published through PR Newswire , which distributes corporate news releases .

  13. 国际刑事法庭调查周三,国际刑事法庭检控官LuisMoreno-Ocampo表示,他将申请逮捕令,搜查应该为利比亚人道主义罪行负责的最重要的三名利比亚人。

    ICC investigation On Wednesday , the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court , Luis Moreno-Ocampo , said he will seek warrants against three Libyans who bear " the greatest criminal responsibility " for crimes against humanity .

  14. 昨日,由于他信及其妻子朴乍曼(pojamarn)未能出庭受审,泰国最高法院发出了对他们的逮捕令。

    The Supreme Court issued warrants yesterday for the arrest of Mr Thaksin and his wife pojamarn after they failed to appear in court .

  15. 法官们已经决定另外签署的逮捕令将发给巴希尔本人并在任何一个国家都适用,法院注册主任SilvanaArbia称。

    And the judges have ruled that additional arrest warrants may be issued for Al-Bashir and served on any state as required , said court registrar Silvana Arbia .

  16. 在这次调查中,联邦特工和ElPaso当地官员将目标锁定BarrioAzteca团伙。目前已经根据逮捕令拘留了二十多人,同时对他们进行审讯,要求他们提供该案件的线索。

    Federal agents and local El Paso authorities have targeted the Barrio Azteca gang in this investigation , detaining some two dozen gang members on warrants issued against them for other crimes and also questioning them for leads in the case .

  17. 他向郡长自告奋勇把逮捕令传给罗宾汉。

    He gladly offered to serve the warrant to Robin hood .

  18. 法官不可能会给我们逮捕令的。

    Judge 'll never give us a warrant on this little .

  19. 瑞典检察机关上周签发了逮捕令。

    Swedish prosecutors issued a warrant for his arrest last week .

  20. 那个时候对他的逮捕令还没有发出。

    At that stage no warrant for his arrest had been issued .

  21. 弗吉尼亚州当局对杰西.勒罗伊.马修发出了逮捕令。

    Authorities in Virginia issued an arrest warrant for Jesse Leroy Mathew .

  22. 你想让我们去拿张逮捕令吗?

    Do you want us to get a warrant ? No.

  23. 估计半数观众都有逮捕令在身。

    Looks like there 's bench warrants out for half our audience .

  24. 你不介意看着他,我去申请逮捕令吧?

    You mind baby-sitting him while I get a warrant ?

  25. 它可以根据地方法官批准的逮捕令执行。

    It may be done under a warrant granted by a magistrate .

  26. 逮捕令一旦批了下来,你的意志当然就主宰一切了。

    The warrant once granted , your will of course directed everything .

  27. 法院后来发出5次逮捕令,要求逮捕他信。

    Courts have since issued five arrest warrants for Thaksin .

  28. 对他的逮捕令已发出。

    There 's a warrant out ie issued against him .

  29. 对16名抗议者的逮捕令签发了。

    Arrest warrants were issued against 16 of the protesters .

  30. 那时我们没有获得逮捕令的时间。

    There was no time to call for a warrant .