
  • 网络belmont;belmonte
  1. 贝尔蒙特跑马场有宽阔的弧形跑道,很适合举行欧式赛马。

    Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running

  2. 其中一所这样的学校就是田纳西州纳什维尔的贝尔蒙特大学。

    One of these schools is Belmont University in Nashville , Tennessee .

  3. 我们争取在周日到达贝尔蒙特

    Our best bet is that Sunday 's in Belmont .

  4. 这条路线上的下一站就是加利福尼亚贝尔蒙特。

    And the next stop on the line is Belmont , California .

  5. 在贝尔蒙特的投票结束之后,罗姆尼和孙子辈的人们交谈。

    Romney speaking to his grandkids after voting in Belmont .

  6. 贝尔蒙特报告和赫尔辛基宣言在人体试验法律发展中均具有重要意义。

    The Helsinki Declaration and the Belmont Report are the major milestones .

  7. 他的地址是贝尔蒙特牛津街329号。

    His address is329 Oxford Street , Belmont .

  8. 这孩子是独一无二的贝尔蒙特家族,是它是一个女孩

    This child was unique to the Belmont lineage , is it was a girl

  9. 这只三岁的雄马驹将向下个月在纽约举行的贝尔蒙特马赛发起挑战。

    The three-year-old colt now has to Belmont Stakes in New York next month .

  10. 我想知道住在贝尔蒙特的约翰•李文斯顿的电话号码。

    Yes . I 'd like to know the number of John Livingston in Belmont .

  11. 如今,贝尔蒙特老爷子已经85岁高龄,他希望能够看到祖国重拾桑巴荣耀。

    Belmonte , 85 , hopes he 'll get to see his country regain its honor .

  12. 如果你记得‘秘书处',就是在贝尔蒙特的赢得冠军的那匹。”

    If you remember Secretariat , that 's the horse that won the race in the Belmont . "

  13. 六十四年过后,贝尔蒙特用原版未曾使用的决赛门票换取了三张本届世界杯决赛的入场券。

    Sixty-four years later , Belmonte exchanged his original unused ticket for three new tickets to the 2014 final .

  14. 在选举日,贝尔蒙特居民们翘首以盼看看他们的邻居是否很快就要搬到一个更大的房子

    On election day , Belmont residents watch and wait to see if their neighbor soon will move to a bigger house

  15. 时隔多年,贝尔蒙特如今已是一位白发苍苍的老人。没能现场观看1950年世界杯的决赛,他从不感到后悔。那次决赛过后没几天,他的母亲就去世了。

    Now a white-haired grandfather , Belmonte has never regretted missing the 1950 match , particularly since his mother died just a few days later .

  16. 该研究领头人安.卡洛斯.依思皮舒.贝尔蒙特教授认为,这项技术在未来几十年将带来无可比拟的改变。

    Lead researcher Professor Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte insists that is nothing compared to the changes the technique could have in the decades to come .

  17. 罗姆尼先生和他的妻子安开始了他们的大日子,在历史小镇贝尔蒙特投票,这里是他们生活了40多年的地方。

    Mr.Romney and his wife Ann began their big day , voting in the historic town of Belmont , where they have lived for more than 40 years .

  18. 由特约的五十岚策划,游戏将为贝尔蒙特家族的家族带来新的冒险,包括角色本身和他们所面临的危险。

    Developed in collaboration with franchise mastermind Koji Igarashi ( aka IGA ), the game breathes new life into the Belmont family bloodline with fresh adventures , characters and perils .