
  • 网络baylor university;Baylor U
  1. 达拉斯贝勒大学医学中心ClydeYancy博士说道。

    Clyde Yancy of Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas .

  2. 他在1948年该学院还隶属于贝勒大学的时候加入了那里的教师队伍。

    He joined the faculty in1948 when the school was still part a of Baylor university .

  3. 但贝勒大学已经有了社会网路

    but Baylor already had a social network on campus .

  4. “自身免疫性内耳病,贝勒大学医学院”(1993年)。

    " Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease , Baylor College of Medicine "( 1993 ) .

  5. 近几年来,贝勒大学医学中心一直在进行子宫移植的研究,有10名女性报名参加。

    Baylor has had a study underway for several years to enroll up to 10 women for uterus transplants .

  6. 一名没有子宫的女性在达拉斯市的贝勒大学医学中心产下了这名宝宝。

    A woman who had been born without a uterus gave birth to the baby at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas .

  7. 连续三天,他的病情不断恶化,第四天他转院到贝勒大学医学中心,并在那里迅速陷入昏迷。

    His condition worsened steadily for three days , and on the fourth he moved to Baylor University Medical Center , where he promptly fell into a coma .