- Holocene series

Holocene Series in Hexi Corridor
The lower boundary of Holocene is at 18.48 m , ~ ( 10.3 ± 0.79 ) ka BP .
Middle Holocene : it is marked by mild clays in the upper , black peat beds in the middle and fine sands and gravels in the lower , 5.1m thick , with C ~ ( 14 ) ages of 4.730-2.976 Ka .
Based on the researches of the foraminiferal fauna and the isotopic carbon-14 dating , it has been found that the stratigraphy of the El core can be divided into three phases : A. S1 & S3 ( 0 . 00 ~ 3 . 34m ) fall into Holocene ;
This saphire deposit is occurred in the Holocene alluvium .
Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of Holocene river-mouth bars in the Changjiang Estuary
Quaternary Holocene stratigraphy in siping-shuangliao area in the south margin of Song-liao Basin
New Advance in the Study on the Holocene Sediments in Northeastern Shandong Peninsula
Use of Heavy Minerals in Dividing and Studying East China Sea Holocene Stratigraphy
High resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Holocene strata on the East China Sea shelf
Characteristics of stratigraphic boundary between late Pleistocene and early Holocene serieses and their sedimentary facies in the Yellow Sea
There are big differences in the overlay of the Quaternary sediments in different areas in Yangzhou urban area .
Establishment and sedimentary environment of the Holocene Liuguhe 、 Dalinghe formations in the coastal zone of western Liaoning , China
The layered sedimentary characteristics of saltbearing rocks from Pleistocene Series to Holocene Series of MahaiBasin are studied in this paper .
Holocene strata in this area can be divided into alluvial deposits , alluvial material and diluvial genetic types of sediment .
Compared with the Holocene , Presinian epimetamorphic rocks region kept the soil and water losses less and the erosion rate descended .
Out of Holocene transgression layer are dispersed widespread in the Tai-hu Lake Plain , shows Tai-hu Lake was gulf of shallow water .
The groundwater of south anchoring area , existed in sand and gravel of Quaternary Holocene , is mainly pore confined water and connects closely with Yangtze River water ;
In addition , the lateral resistance of the Holocene cohesive soil and the upper Pleistocene silt can be determined according to the code directly based on the origin liquidity index of density .
Based on a series of data related to the depth of the first marine layer bottom , the borehole of Holocene , the deep lift marks of bedrock and the historical bench marks in Tianjin area , the average velocity of tectonic subsidence is 1.7mm/a has been obtained .