
  • 网络literary writing
  1. 关于古代另类传记文学写作的探讨

    Probe on Writing of Different Class of Biography in Ancient Times

  2. 当下的文学写作普遍宣泄感官刺激,德性品质匮乏。

    The literature writing is right now universally short of morality .

  3. 真正寻找自己的现代之路&从历史平台对中国报告文学写作的回望

    Looking for the modern road & Introspection to the Chinese reportage

  4. 抗日文学写作是山东文学的一种传统。

    The Anti-Japanese literature writings are a tradition in Shandong literary world .

  5. 第二部分比较新闻写作和文学写作的不同之处。

    Part Two discusses the differences between news writing and literature writing .

  6. 腹中的少年儿童&斯诺报告文学写作中价值原则的鲜明体现

    A Typical Reflection of the Principle of Value in Snow 's Reportage

  7. 上午她埋头文学写作。

    She occupied herself in the morning with literary labour .

  8. 文学写作:生命活动的独特形式

    Literary Writing : a Special Form of Life Activity

  9. 青海新文学写作的历史流变与文化阐释

    Qinghai-based New Literature 's History and Its Cultural Connotation

  10. 心理行为与审美创造:文学写作心理描述

    Psychological behaviors and aesthetic creations : a description of psychology in literary writing

  11. 中国儿童文学写作的语言学意识

    The Linguistic Consciousness in Chinese Literary Creation for Children

  12. 感性的文学写作到理性的多元创作的蜕变

    Transform from Perceptual Literary Works to Rational Multi-creations

  13. 比喻是文学写作中最常见的一种修辞。

    Figures of comparison are the most common figures of speech in literary writings .

  14. 关于当下文学写作与研究的若干问题

    Issues of Literary Writing and Studies at Present

  15. 当代女性文学写作的误区

    The Miss of Contemporary Chinese Female Writing

  16. 论传播环境的变迁对文学写作的内在影响

    On the Changes in the Environment of Spread and the Internal Influence of Literary Writing

  17. 从甘肃青年女诗人娜夜的诗《母亲》看文学写作的三个基本原则

    Analysis of Three Principles of Literature Writing from the view of Naye 's Poem Mother

  18. 文章分析了这一变化,并从精神生活、文学写作两个方面探讨了这一变化产生的原因。

    We analyzed this change and its cause from his spiritual life and literary writing .

  19. 消费文化语境下的90年代文学写作

    Consumer Nineties in the Context of Writing

  20. 你是怎么开始自己儿童文学写作生涯的?

    Q : How did you begin your career as a children 's book author ?

  21. 本文倡导一种真正的文学写作意识,即以真正文学的眼光来看待文学。

    An essay advocates a true conscious of literature writing that is provided with literature eyesight .

  22. 与实用写作的认同性意识不同,文学写作是超越性意识;与实用写作的内容性意识不同,文学写作是形式性意识;

    Practical writing is conscious of contents , and then literature writing is conscious of form .

  23. 从事文学写作的作者。

    A writer of literary works .

  24. 写作学科(包括文学写作)没有专门、独立的硕士点。

    There is no special independent writing subject ( in revolved literature writing ) master degree point .

  25. 年,她在哥伦比亚大学取得了“文学写作”艺术硕士学位,从此开始成为一名自由职业者,主要从事美食方面的写作工作。

    She earned an M.F.A.in writing from Columbia University and began a freelance food writing career in1993 .

  26. 写作学科建设的新进展&从复旦大学增设文学写作硕士点谈起

    The New Development of Writing Subject Construct : About Fudan University Add Literature Writing Master Degree Point

  27. 使文学写作不仅培养能力与技巧,同时成为审美教育的重要组成部分。

    It not only brings up ability , but also become an important part of aesthetic education .

  28. 商务报告不同于文学写作,商务写作中的词汇也有它独特的特征。

    Business writing is not like literature , so the words in business writing have their unique features .

  29. 当代文学写作应当重新反省自身和寻找新的定位。

    One 's own and look for new localization that the writing of Contemporary Literature should introspect again .

  30. 文学写作意识的核心有两个:审美与创造。与实用写作意识相区别,可具体归纳为四个主要方面:与实用写作的规范性意识不同,文学写作是反规范性意识;

    The conscious of literature writing is standard conscious , and then literature writing is conscious of transcending nature .