
  1. ——《文艺春秋》2012年12月号的文�

    essay in Bungei Shunju magazine , December , 2012

  2. 在接受日本月刊杂志《文艺春秋》的采访时,44岁的安倍昭惠坦言她对生孩子有很大的压力,因为丈夫是家族中的第3代政治家。

    In an interview with the monthly magazine bungei shunju , Akie abe , 44 , confessed she felt strong pressure to bear children because her husband is a third-generation politician .

  3. 《文艺春秋》是四十年代中后期在国统区出版的持续时间最长的纯文艺期刊之一,也是当时传播和影响最为深远的上海文学刊物之一。

    As one of the most popular literary journals in Shanghai , Spring and Autumn of Literature and Art was among the most enduring publications of pure art circulated in the late 1940s in Kuomintang-dominated areas .