
  • 网络Literary Heritage
  1. 皇宫影业公司发行了两部颂扬我们文学遗产的精彩影片。

    Palace has released two marvellous films that pay homage to our literary heritage

  2. 乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)是英国二十世纪小说史上不可跳过的一个小说家,这不仅是由于他那极具传奇性的一生,更在于他短短的一生中留给我们的丰富的文学遗产。

    George Orwell , no doubt an indelible figure in the history of the 20th British literature , is noted by his legendary life as well as the rich literary heritage he has left to us during his short life .

  3. 希腊人有丰富的文学遗产。

    The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature .

  4. 她最近还出版了一本诗集。她是垮掉派作家赫伯特·亨克尔(HerbertHuncke)的文学遗产执行人。

    She has also recently published a volume of poetry , and serves as the executor of the Beat writer Herbert Huncke 's literary estate .

  5. 人们没有忘记他所留下的宝贵文学遗产。

    The people have not forgotten the valuable literary heritage he left .

  6. 因为勤奋,巴尔扎克给人类留下了宝贵的文学遗产《人间喜剧》;

    Balzac left the valuable literary heritage The Human Comedy for human being because of diligence .

  7. 都柏林拥有丰富的文学遗产,因诞生了多位世界著名的文学家而闻名于世。

    Dublin , with its rich literary heritage , was acknowledged for being home to world-recognized writers .

  8. 从景区、旅游者、旅游规划三个方面提出了文学遗产的旅游功能。

    From the scenic area , tourists , tourism planning puts forward three literary heritage tourism function .

  9. 涌现出大量优秀的创作者,为后世留下了宝贵的文学遗产。

    During that period , a lot of excellent authors appeared who left a lot of precious literature heritage .

  10. 蒙古族拥有丰富的民间文学遗产,它给叙述学提供了丰富的研究材料。

    Mongolian nationality possesses abundant heritage of folk literature , it provides plentiful materials , for the study of narratology .

  11. 沈从文的理论批评文字内容相当丰富,整理这些文学遗产应该是沈从文研究的不可或缺的组成部分。

    Shen 's literary theory and criticism are profound and particular which should not be avoided in Shen cong-wen Study .

  12. 这些不仅是广西珍贵的文学遗产,也是我国珍贵的文学遗产的一部分。

    All his works are not only the literary heritage of Guangxi but also part of literary heritage of our country .

  13. 作为人类文学遗产的优秀读者,他十分推崇西方文学经典,对经典的品质理解独到;

    As an excellent reader of human literary heritage , he rather esteemed Western literary classics which he 's fully comprehended ;

  14. 明清性灵小品是一笔值得珍视的文学遗产。

    The psychical essays of the Ming and Qing dynasties , as a heritage of literature , are worth well cherishing .

  15. 所以说,《毛诗序》是一份珍贵的文学遗产,我们应当批判地继承和吸收其中合理的成分。

    That ′ s why it was a valuable literary heritage , of which the reasonable component parts should be critically assimilated .

  16. 它还被称为学者学派,其文学遗产存在于儒家典籍中,这些典籍为传统社会奠定了基础。

    Also known as the School of the Scholars , its written legacy lies in the Confucian Classics , which later became the foundation of the traditional society .

  17. 在20世纪中国长篇小说的发展过程中,从西方文学遗产里拿来的史诗意识贯穿始终。

    In the evolution of the Chinese novel of the 20th century , the epic consciousness that was " brought " from the western literary heritage was carried throughout .

  18. 唐诗不但是我国优秀的文学遗产之一,也是全世界文学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Tang poems are not only one of the splendid literary heritages in China , but it is also a bright pearl of the literary treasure in the world .

  19. 可见,侗族祝赞词是一笔宝贵的民族民间文学遗产。我们要继承与盘活好这笔遗产,使它在现实生活中发挥出更好的更为积极的作用。

    Dong people 's compliments is a valuable folk literature inheritance to a certain extent which should be inherited to make it play more active roles in Dong society .

  20. 这既是韩国宝贵的历史文学遗产,又表明中韩文化交流的源远流长。

    It is a precious historical literature heritage of South Korea as well as evidence of distant origin and long development of the cultural exchange between South Korea and China .

  21. 通过对旅游者体验和期望之间的差异分析提出文学遗产旅游地如何制定市场开发策略。

    After the analysis of the difference between their experience and expectation on the part of the tourists , the paper raises how to draw up the strategy for market development .

  22. 接纳年轻人所表达的真实、新鲜的观点与意见,这对于任何国家避免其文学遗产陷入无人问津的困境都意义重大。

    Allowing fresher viewpoints and opinions , which can only truly be expressed by younger people , is essential for any nation ` s literary heritage to avoid dwindling into irrelevant obscurity .

  23. 正是出于他让世界了解美国的传说和传统的目的,他向他的学生和美国人民引进了欧洲的文学遗产。

    Just as he served America in making the world conscious of its legend and tradition , so he opened to his students and to the American people the literary heritage of Europe .

  24. 作为十九世纪欧洲最伟大的现实主义大师,巴尔扎克给世界留下了十分宝贵的文学遗产,并对后来作家的文学创作产生了深远的影响。

    As a greatest realistic giant in 19th century Europe , Balzac has left the world not only a treasured literary heritage , but also made a profound influence on the works of later writers .

  25. 他深谙中国人民需要了解外国的文学遗产,外国人民也需要了解中国优秀的文学遗产,翻译是达到此目的的重要途径。

    He knows very well that Chinese people are eager to know foreign literature and foreign people are also anxious to read Chinese literature . Translation is one of the most important factors to achieve this objective .

  26. 他留下的文学遗产,在数量上居唐人之冠,他的思想儒释道杂糅,诗文中有很多思想史方面的资料。

    Literary legacy he left behind , in the number of the highest ranking Chinese , he thought Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism hybridity and poetry in the history of ideas there are a lot of information .

  27. 本文从历史化叙事的艺术诉求、以革命意识形态话语为主导的叙述原则和大众化审美言说体式等三个层面,阐述了红色经典作为一种经典化文学遗产的价值存在的合理性。

    This article attempts to elaborate its reasonableness as a classic literature heritage from the art appeal of the historical narration , the narrative principle which is on the basis of the revolutionary ideology discourse and the popular pattern of the aesthetic discourse in three dimensions .

  28. 20世纪最初30年,在如何对待文学遗产上产生论争,集中表现在了五四文学革命运动中,革命派针对各种非难文学革命的思潮进行了坚决的论争。

    At the beginning thirty years of the twentieth century , it appeared determined controversy on how to treat literary legacy , and this concentrative represented in the " May 4th " Literature Revolution , innovators carried through determined controversy which aimed at all kinds of animadvert thoughts .

  29. 中国历史的这段时期是历史学家、诗人和剧作家持续热衷的对象,时隔大约1200年后,罗贯中利用有关的丰富的文学遗产,创作了叙事作品《三国演义》。这部作品深奥微妙、引人注目,已经成为中国的民族史诗。

    This decisive period in Chinese history became a subject of intense and continuing interest to historians , poets , and dramatists . Writing some 1 200 years later , Luo Guanzhong drew on this rich literary heritage to fashion a sophisticated , compelling narrative that has become the Chinese national epic .

  30. 毋庸置疑,刘勰评论研究《诗经》的成果,是一笔宝贵的文学批评遗产。

    Undoubtedly , the achievement of Liu Xie in criticizing the Book of Poetry is valuable heritage of literature criticism .