
  • 网络new China
  1. 与崇高紧紧相连的新中华理性美的光芒照耀;

    The brightness of sense which is closely related with loftiness .

  2. 本文介绍了上海第二十一棉纺织厂与新中华机器厂联合研制的1511型自动换梭织机电子护经装置。

    An electronic protector was introduced for decreasing slack and dense defects on loom type 1511 by the Shanghai Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mill No.

  3. 新中华法系的诞生?从三大法系到东亚共同体法三大法系违法性认识比较研究我国刑法中违法性认识的另一种解读

    The Emergence of Neo-Chinese Law System & From Three Law Systems to East Asia Community Law The Compared Studying on the Knowledge of Illegality of the Three Law Sources

  4. 同时《新中华报》发表了众多文艺作品以及文艺活动相关报道,承载了重大的文化命题,对延安文艺的建构发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    At the meantime the " New Chinese Newspaper " also published a number of literary and artistic works and cultural activities related to reports , carried significant cultural propositions .

  5. 现今学术界有关东亚法的整体认识,大致有新中华法系、东亚普通法和东亚法系这样几种代表性论说。

    According to a prevailing understanding of East Asian Law , there are in general such representative classifications as new Chinese legal genealogy , East Asian common law and East Asian legal genealogy .

  6. 如果以构成法系的要件为标准来衡量现今的东亚地区法,可以确认现在还没有法系意义上的东亚法,包括东亚普通法、东亚法系和新中华法系都是不存在的。

    Judged by the criteria of constitutive requirements of legal genealogy , the East Asian Law as a legal genealogy has not come into being yet , and the same is true to East Asian common law , East Asian legal genealogy and new Chinese legal genealogy .

  7. 只有理清延安文艺的来龙去脉,才能真正解释延安文艺的精神实质,而对《新中华报》与延安文艺的关联性研究,正可有利于延安文艺研究的拓展和深化。

    Only clarify the circumstances surrounding of Yan ' an literary arts can really explain the spiritual essence of it , while the " New Chinese Newspaper " and Yan ' an literary arts association study is available for the broadening and deepening of Yan ' an literary arts .

  8. 论新时期中华民族凝聚力的培育

    On the Cultivation of the Chinese National Cohesion of New Period

  9. 节水稻新品种中华1号的选育及其高产栽培技术

    Breeding and high-yield cultivation technique of water-saving rice variety Zhonghua 1

  10. 论经济全球化与新世纪中华文化走向

    Economic Globalization and Chinese Cultural Trend in the New Century

  11. 新时期中华民族凝聚力问题研究

    Research on Chinese National Cohesive Force in the New Period

  12. 新时期中华民族精神的功能与作用

    The Function and Role of Spirit of the Chinese Nation in New Period

  13. 自觉地对民族传统体育进行现代化的调适与转换,是新世纪中华民族传统体育发展的必然之路。

    The modernization of nation traditional physical is inevitable to the development of nation traditional physical .

  14. 为造就新世纪中华民族全新一代的高水平的社会主义思想道德素质,高校两课教育面临着光荣而艰巨的任务。

    In the new era , moral education will face a glorious and hard task in college and universities .

  15. 旨在创造新的中华先进文化,以中华科技文化艺术普遍持久高涨为突出表现和主要特征的中华文艺复兴一定要实现。

    Aiming at creating advanced Chinese culture , the Chinese Renaissance , with its characteristic of wide spreading and lasting of Chinese scientific and technological culture and art , will come true .

  16. 我国新《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》在《中华人民共和国合同法》的基础上,规定了税收代位权制度,目的是为了保障国家税款不致流失、确保国家税收收入足额入库。

    The right of tax subrogation system has been regulated in the new Law of the People 's Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection , which based in Contract Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  17. 当代民族精神既是中国优秀传统文化的本质、灵魂和最高体现,也是对新时期中华民族共同的思想品格、价值取向和道德规范的提炼。

    Today 's national spirit as highest embodiment , soul and the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture , is also the ideological morals of common Chinese nation , value choice and the specification of morals refinement in the new period .

  18. 托马斯表示,他对新的大中华ETF系列的前景谨慎乐观,因为汇丰已经有许多散户投资者持有大量ETF,并有着交易此类产品的过往经验。

    Mr Thomas said he was cautiously optimistic about prospects for the new range of greater China ETFs as HSBC already had many retail investors with large holdings in ETFs and previous experience of trading these products .

  19. 新的《中华人民共和国合同法》是对中外合同法理论研究成果和司法实践经验进行的一次科学总结。

    The new " contract law of china " has summarized and sublimed the research and judicial experience of china .

  20. 网络文化与人文奥运&对新世纪弘扬中华民族传统体育文化的思考

    Network culture and humanistic Olympics & Reflections on the development of the traditional culture of Chinese sport in 21st century

  21. 文章第三部分探讨了新时期增强中华民族凝聚力的主要途径。主要的途径有三个方面:大力发展社会生产力,是增强中华民族凝聚力的物质基础;

    Third part : The article discussed strengthened the Chinese nation cohesive force in the new historical period the main way .

  22. 目前的刑事自诉制度是随着新的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》的颁布而建立起来的。

    The present private prosecution system of criminal cases is constructed according to the newly promulgated Criminal Procedural Law of the P.

  23. 中国于2001年11月26日通过了新的《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》,并于2002年1月1日起生效。

    The new Anti-dumping Act was passed on Nov. 26,2001 in China , and took effect on Jan.1,2002 . The EU made an amendment to parts of the No.

  24. 在新时期,中华民族精神及其爱国主义、民族凝聚力,将更好地成为全面实现小康社会目标的精神动力和思想保障。

    In the New Period , the Chinese national spirit together with its patriotism and cohesiveness will be the spiritual guarantee and motive force for realizing a well-off society for all .

  25. 在分析人文奥运的真谛与奥林匹克主义的本质相同的基础上,提出新世纪弘扬中华民族传统体育文化的若干思考。

    On the basis of the same essence of the humanistic Olympics and the Olympism , this essay puts forward some reflections on the development of traditional culture of Chinese sport in 21st century .

  26. 二是开创和确立了一代思想性与艺术性相结合,现实主义与浪漫主义相结合,典雅与通俗相结合,以豪放为主而又不废婉约的新的当代中华诗词之风;

    Secondly , he founded and established the new modern Chinese poetic style which combined thoughts with art , realism with romanticism , elegance with popularity , powerful and free school with the traditional subtle and concise school .

  27. 2004年7月1日,我国已正式实施新的《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》,该法的实施必然会使外贸代理制度从公法领域回归至私法领域。

    China has already issued renewed foreign trade law which will be put into effect on July 1, 2004.The implementation of this law will promote the return of foreign trade agency system from public law area to private law area .

  28. 随着备受社会关注的新的《中华人民共和国企业破产法》出台,破产重整制度也被带到了我们的社会主义市场经济体制当中,制度本身的优越性和重大作用使其吸引了众多眼球。

    With the promulgation of the much concerned Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the PRC , the system of bankruptcy reorganization has been introduced to the socialist market economic system . The superiority and effect of the system itself have attracted much attention of the public .

  29. 回应挑战,培育和增强新时期的中华民族凝聚力,关键应发展和完善社会主义市场经济,为民族凝聚力提升奠定坚实的物质基础;

    To answer the challenges , to cultivate and enhance the Chinese national cohesion in the new era , the key things we should do are as follows : developing and perfecting the socialist marketing economy , to offer the firm material bases to upgrade the cohesion ;

  30. 自从新中国诞生,中华民族的发展就进入了一个新时代。

    Since the foundation of New China , the development of the Chinese nation has entered a new era .