
  • 网络NEW CHINESE STYLE;The Neo-Chinese Style;Neo-Chinese Chic
  1. 近年来新中式风格的庭院渐多,设计越来越严谨。

    In recent years , with the development of the New Chinese style garden , the request of design must be more rigorous .

  2. 其次,通过对新中式风格之于当代包装设计的诉求分析,提炼出新中式包装设计的设计方法。

    Secondly , through the analysis of the demand for the new Chinese style in modern packaging design , refining the design method of the new Chinese packaging design .

  3. 在新中式风格建筑的优秀案例中,选取了跨域南北的典型例子进行分析,从中提取总结了新中式风格的特点和设计策略。

    From the new Chinese-style excellent cases , the author selects the typical cases from north to south , concludes the features and design ideas of new Chinese-style .

  4. 随着国家经济、文化、科技的发展,人们对于本土文化和地域情结的自信心逐步建立,新中式风格成为诸多居住区设计风格中的一颗活力新星,体现出浓厚的人文环境。

    With the development of national economy , culture , science and technology , people for local cultural and geographical complex gradually establish self-confidence . The rise of new Chinese style style landscape is a new energy star many residential areas in the topic .

  5. 于此同时,新中式装饰风格的流行促进了中国古典家具的繁荣发展,中国古典家具产业的规模之大、产值之高,远远超过了人们的预期。

    Meanwhile , among all the decorative styles , Neo-Chinese style is more and more popular in China , which promoting the development and prosperity of Chinese classic furniture industry . The scale and output of this industry is well above the forecast .

  6. 本课题主要是结合实际案例,以室内设计理论为指导,以新中式设计风格为依托对家居设计的空间,色彩,照明,家具陈设等方面进行了详细分析,获得最后的设计方案。

    Taking interior design theory as a guide , the subject is based on new Chinese style of home design and mainly written with real cases . It fully analyses space , color , lighting , furnishings and other aspects to obtain the final design .

  7. 新中式室内设计风格是继承中国传统文化、将传统进行现代化的演绎的一种室内设计风格。

    New Chinese interior design style is the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture , traditional modern interpretation of an interior design style .

  8. 这些文化思想运用到新中式建筑装饰风格中将会带来言不尽,意无穷的意境美。

    If these Chinese culture thoughts applied to the new architectural style ," Words are not enough , meaning infinity ," Mood can be brought out .

  9. 从设计指导思想、设计元素、应用手法等方面总结出新中式室内设计风格的表现方式,其内涵体现出社会性、物质性和精神性。

    Design elements from the design guiding ideology , application technique and so on summary of new Chinese interior design style of expression . Its connotation reflects the social , physical and mental .

  10. 自从深圳万科第五园的诞生,将骨子里的中国情结得以充分地释放,新中式景观设计风格应运而生,登上中国景观设计行业舞台。

    Since the Shenzhen Vanke garden fifth birth , the bones of the Chinese complex fully release , the " new Chinese " style landscape design emerge as the times require , on Chinese landscape design industry stage .

  11. 在继承和发扬传统文化的同时,以创新理论和方法为指导,创造性的将传统文化与现代设计紧密联系起来,形成现代与传统结合的新中式室内设计风格。

    On the based of inheriting and carrying forward the traditional culture , the Neo-Chinese style , under the guidance of the innovation theory and mean , has be formed by combined traditional culture with modern design in a creative way .

  12. 新中式庭院定义:具有新中式风格的庭院。

    The definition of New Chinese style garden : with a new Chinese style courtyard .