
  • 网络Traditional Furniture;Chinese traditional furniture
  1. FLY长椅的设计概念是永远的象征,简洁,纯粹还有通用的设计打破了传统家具的样子。

    The concept of the FLY Bench is to embody timeless design ; simple , pure and universal design breaking the mold of traditional furniture .

  2. 举个例子,马腾·巴斯(MaartenBaas)就曾凭借其2002年在埃因霍芬设计学院的毕业作品引起轰动。该系列的作品定名为“烟”(Smoke),是几件用喷灯烧黑的传统家具。

    Maarten Baas , for example , made a sensation with his 2002 Eindhoven thesis project : traditional furniture pieces blackened with a blowtorch .

  3. 中国传统家具生产企业可持续发展初探

    The Discuss of Sustainable Development of Chinese Traditional Furniture Enterprises

  4. 木材干燥与中国传统家具的发展

    Wood Seasoning and the Development of China 's Traditional Furniture

  5. 中国传统家具上的绢、纸画;

    The silk painting and paper painting on the Chinese traditional screen ;

  6. 中国传统家具吉祥图案的主要题材及其寓意解析

    The Main Motifs and Interpretation of Auspicious Patterns on Chinese Historic Furniture

  7. 它一定能为中国传统家具的制作发展贡献微薄之力。

    It will make contribution to the development of traditional Chinese furniture .

  8. 日本传统家具的选材与应用

    Selection and Utilization of Wood Material in Japanese Traditional Furniture

  9. 传统家具元素在现代家具设计中的应用

    Application of Chinese Traditional Furniture Element in Modern Furniture Design

  10. 中国传统家具结构形式现代化的研究

    A Study on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Furniture Structure

  11. 中国传统家具造型变化与文化分析

    Analysis of the modelling change and culture of China antique traditional furniture

  12. 泰国阿瑜陀耶王朝时期传统家具与建筑的关系

    The Relation of Furniture and Architecture Character of Ayutthaya Dynasty in Thailand

  13. 中国传统家具五金纹样装饰探究

    Probe into Ironware Decorative Pattern on Traditional Chinese Furniture

  14. 蒙古族传统家具装饰的研究

    Research of Traditional Furniture 's Ornament of Inner Mongolia

  15. 这里的大部分作品通过运用新材料颠覆了传统家具的概念。

    Much of the work subverts ancient crafts by working with new materials .

  16. 中国传统家具和人体工程学的关系

    The Relationship between Chinese Traditional Furniture and Ergonomics

  17. 日本传统家具风格的研究

    The Research of Japanese Traditional Furniture 's Style

  18. 略论中国传统家具五金配件的装饰作用

    Decorating functions of traditional Chinese furniture hardware accessories

  19. 由炕案看山西传统家具

    The Kang Table and Shanxi Traditional Folk Furniture

  20. 中国家协传统家具专业委员会5月在京成立

    Traditional Furniture Committee of Chinese Furniture Association Will Be Founded in May in Beijing

  21. 中国传统家具上的石画;

    The stone painting on Chinese traditional furniture ;

  22. 中国传统家具的榫卯结构对产品设计的启示

    Inspiration of the Chinese Tradition Furniture 's Tenon and Mortise Structure to Product Design

  23. 使用主因子分析法,根据6项指标的因子载荷得出影响蒙古族传统家具装饰符号的主要因子,即继承因子、发展因子、关系因子三项。

    Factor Analysis was used to seek the main factor of the ornament semiotics .

  24. 圈椅是我国传统家具中的瑰宝。

    The round-backed armchair is a rarity in the antique traditional furniture of our country .

  25. 日本传统家具木作技术研究&以传统泡桐矮柜为例五斗橱橱柜的储物箱,特指放衣服的矮衣柜

    Study on the Woodworking of Japanese Traditional Furniture : Paulownia Low Cabinet as an Example

  26. 近代中西家具交融对中国传统家具的影响

    Influence of the Fusion of Chinese and Western Furniture Upon the Traditional Furniture of China

  27. 和式家具与中国明清家具一样,是东方传统家具的瑰宝。

    Furniture Market Yamato furniture and Ming furniture are both the gem of orient tradition .

  28. 因此,中日传统家具的审美意识存在着较大的可比性。

    Therefore , the traditional Sino-Japanese aesthetic sense of the furniture has a greater comparability .

  29. 敦煌壁画在中国传统家具嬗变研究中的独特价值;

    The special value of Dunhuang Murals in researching the development of Chinese traditional furniture ;

  30. 从中国传统家具与服饰的互为影响引发的现代设计思考

    From the Interaction of Traditional Chinese Furniture and Costumes Triggered by the Modern Design Thinking