
xiānɡ cūn fēnɡ ɡé
  • rustic style
  1. 好主意,我喜欢乡村风格的。

    Husband : Good idea . I like a rustic style .

  2. 一些农业大学将录取通知书设计成乡村风格。

    Some agricultural colleges designed their admission letters in a rustic style .

  3. 在这里,四位活动主办者布鲁克林人最近在Graham&Co.酒店登台演出。这家酒店拥有20间乡村风格的房间,一座露天泳池以及诸多消息超灵通、植物知识渊博的员工。

    Revel amid the changing leaves in the tiny town of Phoenicia , where a quartet of entrepreneurial Brooklynites recently debuted The Graham & Co. , a hotel with 20 rustic rooms , an al fresco pool and ultra-informed staffers with full foliage knowledge .

  4. 他属于美国古典主义,而她是法国乡村风格。

    He was American classic , she was French country .

  5. 土黄色给这个乡村风格的空间带来温暖的气息。

    Burnt-orange paint injects warmth into this country home 's foyer and stairwell .

  6. 我会给你放在乡村风格的杯子里。

    And I 'll even give it to you in a little country glass .

  7. 越来越多的都市人迷恋上过去的乡村风格。

    An increasingly urbanized population are allured by the rustic styles of the past .

  8. 美国乡村风格美国乡村风格以其独特的魅力被人们所接受,并成为一种独特的风尚。

    American country recognized as a style its own , American country has become a phenomenon .

  9. 他是一个壮实的人,喜好厚厚的花呢衣服和英国乡村风格。

    He was a heavily built man with a penchant for thick tweeds and British country style .

  10. 乡村风格的润饰如:暴露在外的房梁、木嵌板以及裸露的砖块是乡村风格的金字招牌。

    Rustic touches such as exposed beams , pine paneling , and exposed bricks are hallmarks of country style .

  11. 毗邻德池是一个桑拿浴室,在一个乡村风格的执行,暗指芬兰和日本的先例。

    Adjacent to the pool is a sauna , executed in a rustic style , alluding to both Finnish and Japanese precedents .

  12. 追逐国际流行趋势的同时,越来越多的设计师也把曾经的乡村风格当作现代时尚

    Pursuit of the international fashion trend , a growing number of designers are also turning what was once the village-style as a modern fashion

  13. 透过客栈颇具乡村风格的走廊上的玻璃拉门,依稀可以听到外面的涓涓流水声,看到铺着石头、郁郁葱葱的宁静的庭院。

    Sliding glass doors line the inn 's rustic hallways , bringing in the sound of trickling water and the serenity of the stone and tree-filled courtyards outside .

  14. 深与浅,实木质地与布艺、乡村风格里加入中国明清古典家具,中西合璧,时尚又古朴。

    Deep and shallow , with the solid texture of fabric , village style of the classical Chinese Ming furniture , blending Chinese and Western , fashion and beauty .

  15. 再次,分别结合了设计、消费、市场、及流行趋势等因素来探讨中国乡村风格与现代家纺设计的关系。

    Again , each combination of design , consumption , markets and trends and other factors to explore the " CVS " and the relationship between the modern textile designs .

  16. 38间客房装饰着花朵图案和法式乡村风格的布置,大堂和酒吧内均摆放着留声机、扁皮箱及其他复古物件。

    The 38 rooms are done in floral patterns and country French d é cor , while the lobby and bar are filled with gramophones , steamer trunks and other retro knickknacks .

  17. 仿木的那一种,深棕色的,是乡村风格的。

    Sort of imitation wood , dark brown color , country-style you know , and the lids , if I remember rightly , they had a sort of leaf pattern , or was it flowers ? M : That 's strange .

  18. 作为文理学院的凯尼恩学院(KenyonCollege)则斥资7000万美元修建了一个具有乡村俱乐部风格的运动中心。

    Kenyon College , a liberal arts school , has a $ 70 million Athletic Center with similar country club features .

  19. 我们告诉建筑师我们想要一个简朴的、类似乡村农场风格的房子。

    We told the architect that we wanted something along the lines of a modest ranch style house .

  20. 杉木的自然色彩适合于乡村田园风格和清新明快的现代简约风格家具的设计。

    The natural color of Chinese Fir suit for the modern concise design style , such as country style .

  21. 这个别墅,以乡村房屋风格的方式建造,坐落于一个安静而阳光充足的位置在一个新的独立的产权范围里。

    This villa , built in country house style , is located in a quiet and sunny location within an area of newer detached properties .

  22. 即使你不想过这种生活,想起布阿塔的英国乡村住宅风格依然存在也是件愉快的事。

    Even if you don 't want to live this way , it 's a pleasure to be reminded that Buatta 's brand of English Country House style still exists .

  23. 以美式乡村为设计风格的设计,使生活空间变得天真、烂漫。

    It is the design that designs a style with beautiful type countryside , make life space becomes innocent , brilliant .

  24. 花式纱线面料体现时尚、多元化、高品质以及立体、丰富、乡村等整体风格和富丽、都市、民族、朴实等主题风格。

    Fabrics of fancy yarns express fashion , pluralism , high quality , and overall style such as stereo style , multiplicity , country , as well as theme style such as sumptuous , urban , exotic , plain and so on .