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dì zhī
  • terrestrial branch;the Twelve Earthly Branches, used in combination with the Heavenly Stems to designate years, months, days and hours;the twelve Earthly Branches,used in combination with the Heavenly Stems to designate years,months,days and hours
地支 [dì zhī]
  • [the twelve Earthly Branches,used in combination with the Heavenly Stems to designate years,months,days and hours] 子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥的总称,传统用作表示次序的符号。也叫十二支。与天干相配表示年、月、日的次序,也用来记时

地支[dì zhī]
  1. 《成为妮科尔:一个美国家庭的变形》(BecomingNicole:TheTransformationofanAmericanFamily),艾米·埃利斯·纳特(AmyEllisNutt)著(RandomHouse出版社,27美元)。精彩地描写了一对伴侣如何坚定地支持他们变性的孩子。

    BECOMING NICOLE : The Transformation of an American Family . By Amy Ellis Nutt . ( Random House , $ 27 . ) A generous portrayal of a couple 's affirming response to their transgender child .

  2. “你不会介意&”她装着胆怯地支吾着。

    " Would you mind & " she hesitated timidly .

  3. 中国古代的阴阳学说建立起一套十天干和十二地支的奇妙体系。

    The ancient Yinyang principle constructed a fantastic system of10 heavenly stems and12 mundane branches .

  4. 在一些情况下,人们心血来潮地支出过多。

    In some situations people splashing out means you spend more money than you should .

  5. 并且学用汉族农历的天干、地支计算纪年。

    School with the Han Chinese and the Heavenly Stems , Earthly Branches Jinian calculation .

  6. 五运六气以天干地支为基础。

    The theory of five movements six climatic changes based on heavenly stems and earthly branches .

  7. 中国在汉武帝以前用天干地支纪年;

    Gan-Zhis were employed to designate the years before the reign of Wudi Emperor of Han Dynasty ;

  8. 共同海损及救助共同海损及海上救助共同海损及救助费用伤兵用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。

    General average and salvage The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help .

  9. 在古代,我们的祖先认为一年有10个天干和12个地支。

    In ancient times , our ancestors counted the years with 10 celestial stems and 12 terrestrial branches .

  10. 《说文》中,许慎把“天干”、“地支”都解释为万物在一年中的萌发生长成熟衰亡的循环系统。

    Xushen interpreted the Ten Heavenly Stems and the Twelve Earthly Branches as a system of the cycle of the seasons in " Shuowenjiezi " .

  11. 按癸未羊年立春八字月提与日柱地支相冲,冲者动也。故羊年娱乐圈会多变动,艺人也易多交通意外、离缘分手等事。

    During the year of ram , there will be lots of changes in the entertainment circle , lots of car accidents , separation and etc.

  12. 使用60周环计数法以确定年、日、时的天干,地支值。

    The counting method with 60 as a cycle is applied for obtaining the values of the " Heavenly Stems " and " Earthly Branches " .

  13. 方法观察中医圆运动气机升降理论和脐地支进针法在临床的应用。

    Methods Adopt TCM circular motion ascending and descending theories of functional activity of qi and observe clinical application of navel earthly branch needle inserting method .

  14. 佩吉已自豪地支好了桌子,摆上盘子和3个罐头,这就是我们的晚餐。

    Peggy had proudly set our kitchen table for our evening meal and put pans out and three cans of food which would be our dinner .

  15. 天干、地支作为中国传统历法中的纪时符号,在中国历史文化发展的长河里,逐渐被赋予了神秘的色彩,至今还保留在农历之中,其原因在于国人对时空本质的认识。

    The heavenly stems and earthly branches are symbols in the traditional Chinese calendar and have been endowed with mystic colors in the development of China 's history .

  16. 她礼貌地支吾了一会儿。在经过很多鼓励之后,她表示,不太喜欢我凌乱地将食物放入冰箱的方式。

    She politely hummed and hawed and , after a lot of prompting , said she didn 't like the haphazard way I arranged the food in the fridge .

  17. 降低互耦的技术目前可以分为两大类:一类是在天线的设计中加入各种地支结构;另一类则是在天线的馈电端加入解耦网络。

    The technique for reducing coupling can be categorized into two kinds : one is the usage of ground branches ; the other is the design of decoupling network .

  18. 我要使祭司披上救恩,圣民大声欢呼。伤兵用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。

    Her priests will be clothed with salvation ; and her saints will give cries of joy . The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help .

  19. 中国传统的天干地支纪年法由十干和十二支依次相配,组成六十个基本单位,两者按固定的顺序互相配合而成。

    The Chinese sexagenary cycle , also known as Stems-and-Branches , is a cyclic numeral system of60 combinations of the two basic cycles , the ten Heavenly Stemsand the twelve Earthly Branches .

  20. 天干地支与十二生肖,是中国古代历法研究的成果,一般来说,十二生肖用于记年,天干地支计时。

    Heavenly Stems , Earthly Branches and the Twelve Animal signs ( shengxiaos ) are brainchild of Chinese ancestors . Generally , the former are used in calculating hours while the latter numbering years .

  21. 天干地支系统在中国古代象数思维中占有重要地位,它们常与阴阳、五行一体运用于构建时空一体的立体宇宙图式。

    The system of tian gan di zhi plays an important role in the ancient Chinese thinking of the image-number , it usually use it to establish the union of spatial-temporal and three-dimensional universal diagram .

  22. 因此,这影响了人们的生活,12种动物被选为象征着12地支:鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪。

    Thus the animals that influenced people 's lives were chosen to symbolize the terrestrial branches : the rat , ox , tiger , rabbit , dragon , snake , horse , sheep , monkey , rooster , dog and pig .

  23. 因此,对于一个具体的边坡,在选择支挡方案时,如何进行有效地支护,并且尽可能地降低工程造价,即对边坡加固方案进行优化设计,这是需要考虑的首要问题。

    At the same time , it will greatly increase the evening slope retaining expense . Therefore , how to reinforce slopes efficiently and try our best to reduce the engineering cost for a practical slope when we select retaining project is very important .