
  • 网络terrestrial channels
  1. 传统电视行业中的省级地面频道在新的媒介环境下面临着更大的压力,但同时也赢来了来了发展的契机。

    Provincial terrestrial channels in the traditional TV industry facing greater pressure in the new media environment , but it also won the opportunity for the development .

  2. 2009年,省级卫视开始超过地面频道的整体份额,上升为中国电视剧收视第一平台。

    In 2009 , the provincial satellite TV channels start to overweight the whole share of the terrestrial channels and rise to the first platform in China .

  3. 美国最大的广播公司清晰频道(ClearChannelCommunications)6月5日宣布与一家乡村音乐唱片公司大机器(BigMachine)达成协议,将为它播出的所有大机器名下的歌曲演出付费,无论歌曲是由地面频道或数字频道播出。

    On June 5th Clear Channel Communications , America 's largest radio broadcaster , announced a deal with Big Machine , a country-music label , to pay performance royalties on all its radio channels , terrestrial ( ie , over the air ) and digital .

  4. 地面频道中的强势品牌&30%涨幅之后:再接再厉

    Strong Brand in the Ground Channels

  5. 同时,和央视频道、地面频道三股力量之间形成了零和博弈的收视竞争格局。

    Provincial Satellite TV and CCTV channels , terrestrial channels formed between the ' zero-sum game ' viewing pattern of competition .

  6. 上有央视和各发达省市卫视挤压市场,下又遭到本地区地面频道的频频挑战,可谓是在夹缝中求生存。

    Its market shares are being squeezed by CCTV and advanced Satellite TV channel of different provinces , as well as being challenged by Terrestrial television channel in the area .

  7. 除了中央电视台以外的省级卫视、省级地面频道和地方电视台作为中坚力量对全国电视媒体的传播起着重要的作用。

    Apart from the CCTV , outside the provincial-level TV , provincial and local terrestrial television channel , as the backbone of the national television media plays an important role .

  8. 作为省级电视台地面频道,不仅面临着上星频道、市级频道的双重夹击,还面临着新媒体的冲击。

    As the TV at the provincial level , is not only facing with the satellite channel , the municipal channel , but also facing the impact of new media .

  9. 同时,借助每次交流学习和考察机会,对国内其他省级地面频道的全媒体发展现状也密切关注。

    The same time , with each time exchange of learning and study opportunities , and other provincial the media development status of the terrestrial channels have also been concerned about .

  10. 在如此激烈的竞争面前,怎样走出一条有特色的媒介经营之路,成为众多省级电视台地面频道深感困惑的问题。

    In the face of so keen competition , how the media go out of the way of a feature becomes a embarrassing question for the numerous TV at the provincial level .

  11. 我国电视业经过近半个世纪的发展已经形成了初步的竞争格局,即央视省级卫视省级地面频道地市级地面频道,四级相互竞争、交叉重叠的全国电视市场。

    In the about half century , the Chinese TV industry has made up a basic competitive picture which CCTV , the provincial satellite TV , the provincial ground TV and local TV competed with each other .

  12. 笔者希望通过个案分析,对安徽公共频道的全媒体发展现状做出全景式的描述;并结合其他省级地面频道的成功经验,为该频道的发展提出可供参考的创新路径。

    I hope that a case-by-case analysis , the right the Anhui public channels development status of the media to make a panoramic view of the description ; combined with the successful experience of other provincial terrestrial channels , innovative path for the development of channels available for reference .

  13. 在很多国家,观众也可以通过有线网、卫星数字电视直播平台、网络电视、地面公共频道等收看。

    Access is also carried by Cable , DTH , IPTV , and even Terrestrial TV platforms or systems in many nations .