
dì sōnɡ shǔ
  • ground squirrel
  1. 产于北美洲北端的大型地松鼠。

    Large ground squirrel of the North American far north .

  2. 美国西南部多岩地区的大型灰色地松鼠。

    Large gray ground squirrel of rocky areas of the southwestern United States .

  3. 旅行者们在这里很容易就能遇见小地鼠或北极地松鼠。

    Here tourists can easily meet susliks or Arctic ground squirrels .

  4. 地松鼠可以利用这点

    and the squirrel is able to take advantage of this .

  5. 有的地松鼠,在洞中存储食物,供冬天吃。

    Some hoard food in their burrows for winter eating .

  6. 母地松鼠认为社区的这里太危险

    The mother decides this part of the neighbourhood is too dangerous ,

  7. 金花鼠的身体没有那么笨重,比许多地松鼠都更为活跃。

    Chipmunks are less heavy-bodied and more active that many ground squirrels .

  8. 其他的地松鼠,冬天在洞中冬眠。

    Others hibernate in their burrows over the winter .

  9. 美国西部的小型地松鼠。

    Small ground squirrel of western United States .

  10. 地松鼠们在小山上商量事儿呢。

    Ground squirrels discuss something on a hill .

  11. 它所属的地松鼠群散居范围横亘整片大草原

    She lives in a colony that extends across a wide expanse of prairie .

  12. 北美洲西部普通的有黑色条纹的红褐色地松鼠;形似大花鼠。

    Common black-striped reddish-brown ground squirrel of western North America ; resembles a large chipmunk .

  13. 地松鼠通常住在地洞里。

    Ground squirrels usually live in burrows .

  14. 地松鼠不象其他的松鼠生活在树上,而是住在地洞里。

    Ground squirrels live in burrows , instead of in the trees like other squirrels .

  15. 欧亚大陆中部相当大的地松鼠。

    Rather large central Eurasian ground squirrel .

  16. 这是加州地松鼠它发现一片蛇皮

    It 's a California ground squirrel , and she 's found a snake skin .

  17. 它们是大型的地松鼠,体形有一般家猫那样大。

    They are large ground squirrels , about the size of an average house cat .

  18. 草原犬鼠和许多地松鼠不一样,群居在西部大草原的大地洞中。

    Prairie dogs , unlike many ground squirrels , live together in big burrows on the western prairies .

  19. 通常,能见到花栗鼠、地松鼠和其他一些鸟类围在营地厨房旁边。

    It is common to see chipmunks , ground squirrels , and various species of birds gathering around camp kitchens .

  20. 但今年5月,在黄石国家公园的中心,草仍在厚重的雪下—这显然不是地松鼠所希望的。

    But in May this year , in the heart of Yellowstone , that grass is still beneath thick snow - something this ground squirrel was clearly not expecting .

  21. 假如你是一只普通的地松鼠,在专注于自己的事情,寻找种子吃,或者在做任何松鼠喜欢做的事。

    So let 's say you 're a common ground squirrel . Just for a moment , pretend you 're minding your own business , searching for seeds , doing whatever it is that squirrels like to do .

  22. 与此同时,兰登正视图避开拿着纸片和橡子杯地那两只松鼠。

    Meanwhile Random was trying to fend off the squirrel with the acorn cup full of rain and the one with the paper .

  23. 狮王醒来大为恼怒,竖起浓密的鬃毛,露出锋利的牙齿,把松鼠吓得不停地颤抖。松鼠胆战心惊地请求狮子饶恕他的冒犯。

    His Majesty awoke in anger , and , raising his shaggy mane , displayed his terrific teeth to the trembling squirrel , who , in the most abject manner , begged forgiveness for the intrusion .

  24. 泰德也许被自己的鲁莽给冒犯了,自晨心想,但是她没办法说些什么来缓和缓和僵局,因为他不停地朝那只松鼠吹着口哨,而后者对他的慷慨无动于衷。

    Had Ted been offended by her abruptness , Zichen wondered , but she could not find the words to soften the tension as he continued to whistle to the squirrel , which was ignoring his generosity .