
  • 网络wintering ground
  1. 它既是陆地上的天然蓄水库,又是众多野生动植物资源特别是珍稀水禽的繁殖和越冬地。

    Not only is it a natural reservoir , but also a breeding and wintering ground for various wild animals and plants , especially for rare aquatic birds .

  2. 我国地域广大,有大量的鸟类栖息地和候鸟越冬地,存在WNV随候鸟进入我国的途径;

    Firstly , there are many habitats for wintering of migratory birds in the mainland , so it is possible for WNV to enter our country with migrating of the birds .

  3. 10月7日J17的家族南迁,于12月3日到达日本出水鹤类越冬地,环志回收说明白枕鹤迁徙于中国繁殖地和日本越冬地,是确凿无疑。

    In Dec. 3 , 1987 , the " J17 " family migrated to the overwintering place of Izumi in Japan . The White-naped crane 's migration between the breeding place in China and overwintering place in Japan was recognized undoubtedly .

  4. 丹顶鹤的越冬地特点与保护研究

    Study of Red-crowned crane about its winter quarters and measures of protecting

  5. 生境为荒漠和荒漠草原,越冬地在西亚和南亚一带。

    Deserts and desert steppes are their habitats .

  6. 丹顶鹤以繁殖地和越冬地为家,一年一度南北迁徙。这里是丹顶鹤的家园,是鸟类的天堂。

    Migrating from the north once a year , these birds come here as their southern home .

  7. 射阳珍禽自然保护区生态环境优越,是世界上最大的丹顶鹤越冬地之一。

    The beautiful Sheyang Rare Birds Nature Reserve is one of the world 's largest winter habitats of red-crowned cranes .

  8. 调查期间发现大部分种类于近期刚完成繁殖;有14种古北界迁徙种类把两个保护区作为停留地或作为越冬地。

    Most taxa had recently completed breeding , and14 species of Palearctic migrants used the study sites as stopover areas or wintering grounds .

  9. 复杂的湿地环境和丰富的湿地生物资源,使湖北成为水鸟重要的繁殖地、迁徙停歇地和越冬地。

    Hubei Province is the important breed place , migrate place and stop-over place in winter because of good habitats and abundant wetland biology resources .

  10. 在各个繁殖地和越冬地之间的迁徙通道和中途停留地也应纳入大鸨的保护规划,以保证越冬种群和繁殖种群的数量。

    The migrating routes and stopovers between breeding and wintering areas should be brought into the protection programming and ensure the amount of breeding and wintering populations .

  11. 重视越冬地的保护,使越冬种群保持平稳,以减少对各地繁殖种群遗传多样性保持的压力。

    Attach importance to the conservation of wintering area , keep the balance of wintering population , and reduce the press of preserving the genetic diversity of breeding populations .

  12. 地处奥霍德列夫雷和圣伊格纳西奥的沿海环礁湖,是灰鲸、港湾海豹、加利福尼亚海狮、北方海象以及蓝鲸的重要繁殖地及越冬地。

    The coastal lagoons of Ojo de Liebre and San Ignacio are important reproduction and wintering sites for the grey whale , harbour seal , California sea lion , northern elephant-seal and blue whale .

  13. 新的技术对科研工作帮助很大,科学家可以精确的判断鸟的方位,以及它们从越冬地飞往繁殖地的迁徙路径。

    So this has been very helpful with recent work , locating exactly where birds are going , and trying to find out how they move from the wintering area to the breeding area .

  14. 为了弄清黑脸琵鹭在我国大陆分布和栖息地保护的状况,我们于2003-2005年对东部沿海进行了黑脸琵鹭的越冬地调查。

    From 2003 to 2004 , an investigation on its potential wintering sites in southeast mudflat of China was made in order to explore the distribution and conservation status of Black-faced Spoonbill and its habitat in China .

  15. 崇明东滩越冬白头鹤觅食地特征的初步研究

    Primary Research on the Characteristics of Feeding Sites of Grus monacha in the East Tide Flat of Chongming