- 网络wintering ground

Not only is it a natural reservoir , but also a breeding and wintering ground for various wild animals and plants , especially for rare aquatic birds .
Firstly , there are many habitats for wintering of migratory birds in the mainland , so it is possible for WNV to enter our country with migrating of the birds .
In Dec. 3 , 1987 , the " J17 " family migrated to the overwintering place of Izumi in Japan . The White-naped crane 's migration between the breeding place in China and overwintering place in Japan was recognized undoubtedly .
Study of Red-crowned crane about its winter quarters and measures of protecting
Deserts and desert steppes are their habitats .
Migrating from the north once a year , these birds come here as their southern home .
The beautiful Sheyang Rare Birds Nature Reserve is one of the world 's largest winter habitats of red-crowned cranes .
Most taxa had recently completed breeding , and14 species of Palearctic migrants used the study sites as stopover areas or wintering grounds .
Hubei Province is the important breed place , migrate place and stop-over place in winter because of good habitats and abundant wetland biology resources .
The migrating routes and stopovers between breeding and wintering areas should be brought into the protection programming and ensure the amount of breeding and wintering populations .
Attach importance to the conservation of wintering area , keep the balance of wintering population , and reduce the press of preserving the genetic diversity of breeding populations .
The coastal lagoons of Ojo de Liebre and San Ignacio are important reproduction and wintering sites for the grey whale , harbour seal , California sea lion , northern elephant-seal and blue whale .
So this has been very helpful with recent work , locating exactly where birds are going , and trying to find out how they move from the wintering area to the breeding area .
From 2003 to 2004 , an investigation on its potential wintering sites in southeast mudflat of China was made in order to explore the distribution and conservation status of Black-faced Spoonbill and its habitat in China .
Primary Research on the Characteristics of Feeding Sites of Grus monacha in the East Tide Flat of Chongming