
  • 网络Vaccinium
  1. 安徽越橘属植物资源

    Resources of Vaccinium in Anhui Province

  2. 我国越橘属植物分布在华东、华中、华南至西南及东北地区,多见于丘陵及海拔400-1400米的地区。

    Vaccinium is distribute in the eastern , middle , southern , southwest and Northeast areas in China , appearing much on Knap and the areas of elevation 400-1400 meter .

  3. 蓝莓(Vacciniumspp.),杜鹃花科,越橘属,没有根毛,自然条件下会与杜鹃花类菌根真菌形成互利共生结构。

    Blueberry ( Vaccinium spp. ), Ericaceae , Vaccinium , without root hairs , its roots can form mutually beneficial symbiotic structure with ericoid mycorrhiza fungi under natural conditions .

  4. 蓝莓又名越橘,蓝浆果,属杜鹃花科越橘亚科越橘属植物,为多年生落叶或常绿灌木或小乔木,主要分布在北美和欧洲,该属植物在全世界有450种。

    Blue berry , also known as cranberry , blueberry , Vaccinium Ericaceae subfamily belong to the genus Vaccinium , a perennial deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees , mainly in North America and Europe , the 450 species in the world species .

  5. 蓝莓学名越橘,是杜鹃花科越橘属植物中的蓝果类型,具有较高的营养价值和经济价值,开发前景极其广阔。

    Blueberry is a kind of plant in Vaccinium ( Ericaceae ), and named by its blue color as a fruit . Because the nutritious value and economic value is very high compared to other fruits , it has been a very popular fruit with bright prospects of development .

  6. 蓝莓又名越橘,杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)越橘属(Vacciniumspp.)多年生灌木性植物,是一种重要的小浆果类果树。

    Blueberry , Ericaceae , Vaccinium spp. is a kind of perennial shrub and an important class of small berry fruit .