
  • 网络Theaceae;Camellia;Camelliaceae
  1. 油茶(Camelliaoleifera)为山茶科山茶属植物,是我国特有的油料作物。

    Camellia oleifera belongs to the family of Theaceae Camellia which is an oil crop growing specifically in China .

  2. 综上结果,可预测,山茶科CHS基因家族较大,且有着复杂的进化式样。

    It is suggested that the CHS gene family in Theaceae is large , which has complex evolutionary mode .

  3. 油茶(CamelliaoleiferaAbel),是山茶科、山茶属的多年生木本油料作物,我国特有的木本油料物种。

    Camellia oleifera Abel ( from Theaceae family ), is special oil plants in our China .

  4. 茶皂素是从山茶科(Theaceae)山茶属(Camellia)植物中提取出来的一类齐墩果烷型三萜类皂甙的混合物。

    Tea saponin s is a mixture of oleanene-type triterpene saponin that extracted from theaceae camellia plants .

  5. 油茶(Camelliaoleifera)属山茶科山茶属常绿小乔木或灌木,是我国特有的重要木本食用油料树种。

    Oil-tea ( Camellia Oleifera ) is a small evergreen tree or shrub belongs to theaceae , which is an important woody specie provide unique edible oil .

  6. 山茶科的系统发育诠释Ⅳ.关于Camelliapetelotii(Merr.)Sealy的笔记和评论

    ANNOTATION OF PHYLOGENY IN THE FAMILY THEACEAE IV. Notes from the type of Camellia petelotii ( Merr . ) Sealy

  7. 山茶科部分属种叶表皮形态学研究

    Study on leaf epidermis of some plants of Theaceae

  8. 杜鹃红山茶是一种珍贵珍稀濒危植物,属山茶科山茶属。

    Camellia azalea is a rare plant which is in face of danger .

  9. 山茶科花粉超微结构及其系统学意义

    Pollen ultrastructure of Theaceae and its systematic significance

  10. 亚洲热带地区的山茶科新种

    New Species of Theaceae from Tropical Asia

  11. 贵州山茶科的新植物

    New plants of Theaceae from Guizhou

  12. 中国山茶科植物新纪录

    New species of Theaceae from China

  13. 茶属于山茶科,为常绿灌木或小乔木植物,植株高达1-6米。

    Theaceae Tea is for the evergreen shrub or small tree plants , plant up to1-6 meters .

  14. 油茶是指山茶科山茶属植物中油脂含量较高且具有栽培经济价值的一类植物的总称。

    Oiltea camellia is the genus and has a higher fat content of the economic value of cultivated plants of a class collectively .

  15. 茶的原植物开始从山茶科向其他科属发展,最有代表性的是苦丁茶。

    At the beginning , the original plants of tea were Theaceae , but now more genera are included , the broadleaf holly leaf is a good example .

  16. 调查植物计58科100属140种。植物种类以樟科、壳斗科、未兰科、山茶科、杜英科和山矾科为主。

    As one of the zonal vegetation types of the mid-subtropical region of China , its floristic composition consists of140 species of vascular plants of100 genera in58 families .

  17. 采用野外考察、资料收集与标本鉴定相结合的方法,对贵州山茶科、藤黄科、桃金娘科和野牡丹科药用植物的种类和分布进行调查研究。

    This paper deals with the studies on the comparative wood anatomy of twenty one species in nine genera of Myrtaceae by means of light microscope and scanning electron microscope .

  18. 结果发现贵州现有山茶科药用植物34种3变种,其中有12种2变种为贵州药用新资源;

    The results show that 34 species and 3 varieties of the medicinal plant of Theaceae , 12 species and 2 varieties of them are new resources of the medicinal plants .

  19. 该群落共有136种,分属于46科73属,优势科是壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、茜草科、冬青科、山矾科和紫金牛科,优势种也多为这些科的种类组成。

    The community is composed of 136 species belonging to 46 families and 73 genera . The dominant families are Fagaceae , Lauraceae , theaceae , Rubiaceae , Aquifoliaceae , etc , the dominant species are also from the dominant families .

  20. 山茶(Camelliajaponica)属于山茶科山茶属植物,根和花可入药。

    Camellia japonica belongs to the Camellia of Theaceae .