
  1. 古代山水游记发展论略

    A General Survey of the Development of Ancient Landscape Travel Notes

  2. 陆世仪的山水诗简论

    On LU Shi-yi 's Scenery Poems

  3. 山水游记缘起论

    The Origin of Landscape Essay

  4. 城市居住小区山水概念传播论&以岭南为例

    On the Spread of the Concept of Shan Shui In Community : With Lingnan as an Example

  5. 山水画形式语言论

    Talks on the Form of the Water and Mountains Paintings

  6. 孟浩然山水田园诗意象论析

    The Imagery in MENG Hao-ran 's Mountains and Waters Idyll

  7. 宁静致远&中国山水画审美心胸论

    Serenity-based Distance : Aesthetic Mentality of Chinese Landscapes

  8. 宋代山水诗与山水画关系论

    The Relationship between Landscape Poetry and Landscape Painting of Song Dynasty