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  1. 刘长卿归属盛唐山水诗派的理由、意义及其他

    The Reason for Liu Changqing 's Poem Belonging to the Tang Dynasty Landscape Style

  2. 盛唐山水诗派是一个十分特殊的文化现象,形成了一种无派而却比有派还要融洽一律的派的联系和生存状态。

    The School of Scenic Poetry in the prime of the Tang Dynasty is a very special phenomenon of culture .

  3. 名词的并置复叠,是盛唐山水诗派在山水诗创作实践中新建立起来的一种语言秩序,也是他们的语言意识觉醒的一个显著标志。

    Coordinated and reiterative usage of nouns is a new type of language strategy established by landscape poetry school in the high Tang Dynasty .

  4. 自然环境的生态优越与盛唐山水诗派的生态取向刘长卿山水诗的盛唐面目

    Ecological Advantage of Nature and Its Reflection in Landscape Poems in Tang Dynasty On the Prosperous Scene of Tang Dynasty Shown in LIU Changqing 's Mountain-and-water Poems

  5. 王维是盛唐山水田园诗派的代表人物,在中国古典文学史上有着非常重要的地位。

    Wang Wei , who occupies an important place in Chinese classical literature history , is the representative poet of Landscape Poems in flourishing Tang dynasty .

  6. 孟浩然是盛唐六家之一,作为盛唐山水田园诗派的代表人物,他在中国诗歌史上占有重要地位。

    Meng Haoran , one of the six great masters at the height of Tang Dynasty , occupies a significant position in the history of Chinese Poetry .

  7. 王维作为中国盛唐时期山水田园诗派的代表,在诗中不仅写出山水田园的秀丽之美,而且表现出了山水田园景物的神志、气韵;

    As one of the representatives of pastoral poets in the prosperous Tang Dynasty , WANG Wei expresses not only the natural beauty but also the inner beauty of landscape sceneries in his poems .

  8. 唐朝是中国旅游文学辉煌耀眼的时代,涌现出了传诵千古的山水田园诗派和边塞诗派,出现了两位伟大的诗人&李白和杜甫。

    The Tang Dynasty is the era of Chinese tourist literature the dazzling , emerged in a very long pastoral poetry and the poetry about frontier fortress , the two great poets & Li Bai and Du Fu .

  9. 储光羲向来与王孟一起被称为盛唐山水田园诗派的代表,然而论及储光羲诗歌的真正面貌时,诸多文学史几乎一笔带过,语焉不详。

    Chu Guangxi has always been known as the Tang and Meng together representatives of Pastoral Poetry , however , Chu Guangxi addressed the real face of poetry , the many literary history almost a passing , did not elaborate .

  10. 孟浩然,作为盛唐山水田园诗派的重要代表人物之一,虽布衣终身,却以他清绝高韵的诗篇,在中国诗歌史上占有重要地位。

    Meng Haoran , though he has no official rank in his life , occupies an important position in the history of Chinese poetry with his matchless and rhyming poems , as one of the most important representative figures of the landscape and pastoral poetry in the Tang Dynasty .