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  • Xie Lingyun
谢灵运 [xiè líng yùn]
  • [Xie Lingyun] (385-433) 南朝宋诗人,曾任永嘉(现在浙江省永嘉县)太守,喜欢游览,擅长写山水诗,有《谢康乐集》

  1. 浅议谢灵运山水诗的创作特色

    Introduction of creative Characteristics of Xie Lingyun 's Landscape Poems

  2. 宋文帝很赏识谢灵运的文学才能。

    Emperor song Wendi appreciated Xie lingyun 's literary talent .

  3. 谢灵运的山水诗创作与谢氏家族风习

    Xie Ling-yun 's Landscape Poem Creation and His Clan 's Customs

  4. 大乘涅盘学与谢灵运的山水诗

    The School of Nirvana of Mahayana and Xie Lingyun 's Landscape Poems

  5. 谢灵运赋的基本主题及情感内涵。

    Second , Xie Lingyun bestows on basic subject and emotion connotation .

  6. 谢灵运诗中的身体意识

    The Body Ideology of Xie Ling-yun 's Poems

  7. 谢灵运的庄园山水诗

    The Manor Landscape Poetry Written by Xie Lingyun

  8. 谢灵运是中国古代诗歌史上的重要人物。

    Xie Lingyun is an important poet in the ancient history of Chinese poem .

  9. 弥陀净土信仰与谢灵运的山水文学创作

    The Belief in Amit ā yus Pureland and Xie Lingyun 's Creation of Mountains-and-Waters Literature

  10. 谢灵运佛教思想论略

    On the buddhistic ideology of Xie Ling-yun

  11. 历代的研究者似乎大都把目光聚焦在谢灵运的山水诗歌上。

    All previous dynasties researcher as if mostly vision focusing in Xie Lingyun scenery poetry .

  12. 魏晋山水意识及谢灵运的山水诗

    Consciousness of Landscape in the Times of Wei & Jin and Landscape Poems by Xie Lingyun

  13. 从空间体验看谢灵运与鲍照山水诗之差异

    Difference Between Xie Lingyun 's and Bao Zhao 's Poems of Hills and Lakes from a Spatial Perspective

  14. 六朝才子谢灵运就深受其影响。

    The gifted scholar in Liuchao ( Six Dynasties ), Xie Lingyun , was influenced deeply by it .

  15. 谢灵运在诗歌语言的创新上成就巨大,颇具典范意义。

    Xie lingyun had a great achievement in his poetic language innovation and was hailed as an apotheosis .

  16. 离开时代去理解谢灵运及其文学作品是伪学术,是不客观的。

    It is pseudo-academic and not objective to appreciate Xie Lingyun and his works without the specific background .

  17. 在山水之美的客观存在的认识前提下,谢灵运认为山水处处皆是美景。

    Under the premise that natural beauty was objective , Xie Lingyun supposed that landscape was beautiful everywhere .

  18. 谢灵运和谢胱是中国诗歌史上的山水诗大家。

    Xie Lingyun and Xie Yao are the outstanding poets of landscape in the history of Chinese poetry .

  19. 提到谢灵运,我们马上会想到他是中国山水诗鼻祖。

    Mentioned Xie Lingyun , we can think immediately he is China " the scenery poem first ancestor " .

  20. 谢灵运的山水诗可分为庄园山水诗和远游山水诗两大类型。

    The landscape poetry written by Xie Lingyun can be classified into manor landscape poetry and expedition landscape poetry .

  21. 巧似抑或自然?&谢灵运山水诗艺术特征辨说

    " Right Like " or " Natural "? & Debate on Artistic Features of Landscape Poetry of XIE Ling-yun

  22. 附论,陈代&南朝谢灵运接受的衰落期。

    The added pseudo-chapter is about the Chen Dynasty as the declining period of Xie 's reception in the Southern Dynasty .

  23. 谢灵运在经营始宁庄园时,山居建筑大多选址在山峰处。

    It is noteworthy that the mountain buildings which Xie Lingyun constructed in Shining Manor were mostly located at mountain peak .

  24. 情感的风涛&读秀侠谢氏家族兴衰与谢灵运、谢脁诗歌感情基调

    The Rise and Decline of the XIE Family and the Emotional Key to the Poetry of XIE Ling yun and XIE Tiao

  25. 谢灵运不只发现了天地万物之美,同时也发现了动植物的可爱之处。

    Xie Lingyun not only discovered the beauty of Shining Manor , but also found that the loveliness of the flora and fauna .

  26. 谢灵运和柳宗元在山水诗创作上有着很多相似之处,但也有着各自的特点。

    There are many similarities between Xie Lingyun 's Mountains And Water Poetry And Liu Zongyuan ' s.But they have their own characteristics too .

  27. 谢灵运是诗赋兼擅、全面发展的文学奇才,其创作以山水题材所占比例为大。

    Xie Lingyun is a Poetry and Rhapsody Agility-round development of the literary genius of its creation to the proportion of subjects for large landscapes .

  28. 第四部分从谢灵运于广州弃市的悲剧命运,分析谢灵运之死所造成的社会影响及谢诗的文学影响。

    In the end , the writer analyses the effect of the death of Xie Lingyun to society and the literature influence of his poem .

  29. 谢灵运山水诗创造性地发展了慧远形象本体之学的美学思想,在山水诗的创造上取得了突出的艺术成就。

    As creatively developing Hui Yuan 's aesthetic thought of visual reality , Xie Lingyun made an outstanding artistic achievement in writing his landscape poems .

  30. 本论文立足谢灵运山水诗创作实绩,并结合诗人所处时代的社会历史背景和文化思潮,试图对谢灵运山水诗进行较为深入的分析。

    On basis of Xie 's actual achievement and his time and social background , this paper tries to make profound analysis of his poetry .