
  1. 谢谢大家#GOBLUE(前进蓝色蓝色是密歇根大学象征色)

    Thank you , hashtag , go blue

  2. Chris,祝你好运谢谢大家

    Good luck , Chris . Thank you . Thank you .

  3. 该餐厅官网发布消息称,“谢谢大家10年来的支持。UncleBubba餐厅现在要关闭了。”迪恩的哥哥厄尔·布巴·海尔斯发表声明表示,他计划探讨这个海滨物业的其他发展方案。

    The restaurant website says " Thank you for 10 great years . Uncle Bubba is now closed . " Deen 's brother Earl Bubba Heirs issued a statement , saying he is planning to explore other development options for the waterfront property .

  4. PYP本学期学生人数达到483人,创历史新高,全赖家长对我们的信任,谢谢大家对我们工作的支持。

    Our number of students has increased to483 and we take this as a positive sign from the parent body , that you have faith in what we have done here , so thank you for your support .

  5. 最后,谢谢大家,谢谢我自己!

    Lastly , I thank you , thank you my own !

  6. 谢谢大家这段时间的帮助,还有

    Thank everybody 's this Duan time for help , still have

  7. 谢谢大家收听,我们下次节目再会。

    Neil : Thanks for listening and see you next time .

  8. 谢谢大家,下面欢迎你们提问。

    Thank you and I am happy to take your questions .

  9. 声音1:谢谢大家收听今天的重点报道节目。

    Voice 1 : Thank you for joining us for Spotlight .

  10. 谢谢大家一直以来的支持啦!一起努力吧!

    Since has thanked everybody 's support ! Everybody together diligently !

  11. 祝本届论坛取得圆满成功!谢谢大家!

    I wish this forum a full success ! Thank you !

  12. 谢谢大家热烈的参与和宝贵的意见。

    Thank you everyone for your passionate participation and valuable feedback .

  13. 谢谢大家,我的演讲结束了。

    Thank you , this is the end of my speech .

  14. 我想说的就是这些,谢谢大家!

    That is all I want to say , Thank you !

  15. 谢谢大家,上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美国。

    Thank you , God Bless you and God Bless America .

  16. 请落座谢谢大家请落座

    Have a seat.Have a seat , thank you very much .

  17. 谢谢大家,祝周末愉快。

    Thanks for listening and hope you have a great weekend .

  18. 谢谢大家。上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美国。

    Thank you , God bless you , God bless America .

  19. 谢谢大家,我亲爱的可爱的学生们!

    Thank you all , my dear and cure students .

  20. 谢谢大家,再见了朋友!常联系!

    Thanks to all my friends and goodbye ! Keep in tough !

  21. 谢谢大家参与今天的音乐课。

    Thank you for your participation in music class today .

  22. 谢谢大家忠心的祷告及慷慨的奉献。

    Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous giving .

  23. 谢谢大家,我会为大家写更多的作品,希望大家能多多支持。

    Thank you Your support is the driving force for my writing !

  24. 我真的拥有了一个非常棒的圣诞节,谢谢大家!

    I really had a wonderful Christmas , thanks everyone !

  25. 如果可以请留下你最喜欢的一句话,谢谢大家!

    If you can please leave your most favorite words ! Thanks !

  26. 请坐真好谢谢大家

    Have a seat . That 's lovely , thank you very much

  27. 谢谢大家,请尽情享受接下来的活动,谢谢

    Thank you . Enjoy the rest . Thank you .

  28. 谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学。

    Thanks for listening for Scientific American 's 60-second Science .

  29. 我可以骄傲地说我就是冠军谢谢大家谢谢

    and I 'm happy to say I was the winner.Thank you.thank you

  30. 谢谢大家。下星期见。

    Thank you , everyone . See you next week .