
  • 网络KBS;korean broadcasting system;Korea Broadcasting System
  1. 周四上午在首尔发布的一份声明中,韩国广播公司(KBS)总裁KimIn-kyu提供了朝鲜使用奥运赛事录像的一些细节。

    In a statement released early Thursday in Seoul , Kim In-kyu , president of Korean Broadcasting System of South Korea , provided details about how the North was using the images .

  2. 韩国文化广播公司记者:我们非常关心“十二五”规划中关于推动文化大发展、大繁荣的内容。

    Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation of the ROK : We have paid close attention to the part in China 's 12th Five-Year Plan about promoting cultural development and prosperity .

  3. 一个为朝鲜安排了相关技术事宜的韩国广播电视公司负责人说,朝鲜的电视台现在每天可以播出五个小时的伦敦奥运赛事。

    North Korea is allowing five hours of daily coverage of the London Olympics to be shown on its TV network , a South Korean broadcaster who arranged technical logistics for the North said .