
  • 网络Dongseo University
  1. 韩国东西大学(dongseouniversity)朝鲜意识形态专家布赖恩迈尔斯(brianmyers)表示,官方表述中至关重要的部分,将是对这位“年轻将军”军事功绩的描写。

    Brian Myers , an expert in North Korean ideology at Dongseo University , said the crucial aspect to the story would be the military credentials of " the young general " .

  2. 迈尔斯是韩国东西大学专门研究北韩官方宣传与传播的教授。

    Brian Myers specializes in North Korea 's propaganda and official communications at South Korea 's Dongseo University .

  3. 在韩国东西大学研究北韩政治宣传工作的专家迈尔斯说,即使在北韩的专政制度下,建立公众支持也是必不可少的。

    Brian Myers , a specialist in North Korean political propaganda at South Korea 's Dongseo University , says even under the North 's authoritarian system , building public support is crucial .