
  • 网络the gracious poet
  1. 婉约词意象的多样性与意境特点分析

    The Multiplicity and Conformity of Composed Word 's Images

  2. 烛光灯影里的婉约词&论宋代婉约词中的烛意象

    On the Candle Images of the Graceful and Restrained Ci in Song Dynasty

  3. 婉约词风掩不住的繁复个性&从李清照诗文看其性格特征

    Poems with Subtle Style Complex Personality On Li Qingzhao 's Temperament from Her Verse

  4. 把婉约词介绍给世界是译者的一项重要任务。

    Introducing Elegant Ci to the world is an important task for the translators .

  5. 论李商隐诗歌与唐宋婉约词的关系

    Relation between Li Shangyin 's Poems and the Elegant Ci in Tong and Song Dynasty

  6. 试论婉约词的评价问题

    On the Evaluation of Euphemistic Poetry

  7. 温氏恋情诗是婉约词产生的基础和桥梁,又是词向前发展、不断完善的动力和催化剂。

    Weng 's love poetry is the basis and bridge of gentle words , pushing poems forward .

  8. 要看到婉约词的英语翻译已取得了一定成绩,但也有不足之处。

    The English translation of Elegant Ci has achieved some successes ; however , it also has defects .

  9. “帘”意象在唐宋婉约词中应用范围极其广泛。

    The word " curtain " is widely used in graceful and restrained poems in Tang and Song Dyna-sty .

  10. 李煜、李清照,是婉约词派的代表词人,人称“词家二李”。

    Li Yu and Li Qingzhao were representatives of Chinese plaintive Ci poets and they were called " dual Li in Ci poets " .

  11. 同时,通过温庭筠、韦庄对比,说明温词对两宋婉约词的发展产生的影响。

    This article also expounds the influence of Wen Ci on the development of Wanyue Ci from the two Song Dynasties by comparing Wen with Wei .

  12. 李清照是我国文学史上最杰出的女作家,她对婉约词创作有自己的独特贡献。

    Li Qingzhao , the most outstanding female writer in the history of Chinese literature , has made unique contributions to the graceful and restrained Ci .

  13. 试论唐宋婉约词倚声演唱的音乐性特质论婉约词的艺术审美特征

    A Preliminary Exploration on the Musical Features of Subtle and Concise Ci of Tang and Song Dynasties Singing to Music The Art and Aesthetic Standards Of Gracious Poetry

  14. 前期的婉约词风是北宋末期的主流,而后来的豪放词风是词人流落到南方后主要的创作风格。

    The earliergraceful and restrained Style was the mainstream in the end of Song dynasty , and the later Heroic Style became the main style after they were forced down to the South .

  15. 在唐宋婉约词兴起并定型的诸多因素当中,晚唐文人诗的创作对其产生的影响是我们无法忽视的一环。

    Among the many factors which helped the rising and establishing of the elegantCi in Tang & Song Dynasty , the influence from the poems written in late TangDynasty can not be ignored .

  16. 青年时期的词作清新闲婉,内容多为描写恋人间的相思离别;继承了婉约词派工于言情的特点,词风处于模仿和借鉴时期。

    In his youth period , his words were fresh , free-wan , mostly describing the contents of acacia farewell between lovers ; His words inherited the characteristics of graceful school focusing on the romance .

  17. 本文从尚实与尚虚、言情的率真与意趣的骚雅两个方面对南北宋婉约词不同的表现形态及其成因进行了深入细致的探讨。

    The paper covers the different manifestations and causes of tactful Ci in Southern and Northern Song Dynasty intensively from two aspects : to conform to reality or ideality , trueness in expressing affection and elegance in interest .

  18. 苏轼创作的婉约词,拯救了婉约词每况愈下的情势,对后代婉约词有深远的影响。

    The Soviet horizontal wooden board on the front carriage body creates the composed word , has saved the circumstance which the composed word becomes worse and worse , has the profound influence to the descendant composed word .

  19. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。

    A representative of the romantic school , Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems .

  20. 本节根据明人重编本《草堂诗余》中所反映的崇尚婉约香艳词风的词学思想,认为明人的词学理论和实践均受其深刻影响。

    Based on the thoughts of Ci poems reflected from the re-compilation of it by people of Ming , this section holds that the theories and practice of Ci poems in Ming dynasty are influenced profoundly .

  21. 这不仅直接导致了唐宋词的崇尚婉约,而且士人对女性的同情、尊重心态也深刻地影响到了婉约词的雅化进程。

    Meanwhile , the scholar 's sympathy and respect for female exerted profound influence in the refinement course of Ci .