
wǎn yuē pài
  • wanyue style;subtle and concise style
  1. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。

    A representative of the romantic school , Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems .

  2. 宋词豪放派、婉约派之否定论

    The Denial Theory about Song Ci Poems " Bold Faction " and " Grace Faction "

  3. 在古典文学评论中,一般认为苏轼创立了与婉约派迥然相异的豪放派词风。

    It 's generally considered in classical literary reviews that Su Shi established the powerful and free school of Ci writing , which was widely different from the subtle and concise school .

  4. 和其兼容并蓄的诗歌理论一样,王士祯在词学创作中不独尊婉约派,不仅创作了大量模山范水、批风抹月之作,同时也创作了许多意境阔大、笔调纵横,饱含阳刚之美的豪放之作。

    Like the inclusive theory of poetry , Wang Shizhen not limited to graceful writing , not only created a lot of works about natural scenes , but also created many mood vast , style horizon , full of masculine beauty for the uninhibited .

  5. 李煜、李清照,是婉约词派的代表词人,人称“词家二李”。

    Li Yu and Li Qingzhao were representatives of Chinese plaintive Ci poets and they were called " dual Li in Ci poets " .

  6. 青年时期的词作清新闲婉,内容多为描写恋人间的相思离别;继承了婉约词派工于言情的特点,词风处于模仿和借鉴时期。

    In his youth period , his words were fresh , free-wan , mostly describing the contents of acacia farewell between lovers ; His words inherited the characteristics of graceful school focusing on the romance .

  7. 婉约派比豪放派更频繁地使用冷觉温度词,其原因可归于其特殊的生活体验和人生经历。

    A larger number of words which describe low temperature are used in the former school , which may be due to the particular life experience of the writers .

  8. 李煜词少羁约,故而称得上婉约中的豪放派;李清照则是标准的婉约词人。

    In reality , Li yu 's poem is free from restrain and uninhibited , is part of the heroic dispatch in the gracious school .