
  1. 从全知叙事视角、限知叙事视角和转换叙事视角等三个维度,探讨元代散曲套数的叙事视角。

    Study the narrative perspectives from the three dimensions : omniscient perspective , limited perspective and perspective-shift .

  2. 他的“以曲为词”的做法,使我们可以清楚地看到宋代俗词和元代散曲这两种文学样式之间相互影响的痕迹。

    His method of using songs as poems gives us an insight into the mutual influences between the Song common poems and Yuan poems .

  3. 元代散曲《白苎歌》的渊源要追溯到我国古代著名的乐舞《白纻》歌舞。

    The fountain head of the Yuan Drama Song of White Ramie could be traced back to the well-known ancient song and dance White Ramie .

  4. 元代散曲的艺术风格很有些特别,明显地不同于历代的诗、词。

    There are quite some special artistic features in the Yuan Dynasty free style poems , which are noticeably different from that in poems of various dynasties .

  5. 元代散曲套数叙事具有很高艺术成就,但学界对此研究甚少,尚有较大研究空间。

    There are high artistic achievements in cycle of songs in San Qu of the Yuan dynasty , but there are few concerns and studying on them in educational circle , which provides greater research capabilities still .

  6. 第二节讨论的是避世思想的影响,里面分别谈到了儒家的避世思想和道家的避世思想,以及两者对于元代散曲作家隐逸思想的影响。

    Section II is to retire from the world discussed the impact of ideology , which , respectively , hungry On Confucian Thought and Taoist Masquerade despise thinking , as well as the two writers for the Yuan Dynasty hermit ideas .

  7. 道家道教对元代文人散曲的影响

    Influence of Taoism on Non-dramatic Songs of the Yuan Dynasty