
běn cǎo
  • materia medica;Herbal;Chinese materia medica;a book on Chinese medicine
本草 [běn cǎo]
  • [Herbal;materia medica] 中药的统称;也指记载中药的书籍

本草[běn cǎo]
  1. 由于缺少本草依据和临床基础,Akebia不宜贸然代替中国药典1977年版、1985年版、1990年版、2000年版所收载的关本通。

    Owing to its deficient basis of Chinese materia medica and lack of clinic foundation Akebia cannot be hastily used to replace caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis , which bas been listed in the 1977 , 1985 , 1990 and 2000 editions of " Chinese Pharmacopoeia " .

  2. 也用大量的例证,说明了,本草书和方书多见录于现存大型的本草书和大型综合性医书。

    Also with a large number of examples , illustrates , the sense see more recorded in Chinese materia medica and existing large Chinese materia medica and large-scale comprehensive medical books .

  3. “本草纲目”问世之后,深受人们的推重。

    The Compendium of Materia Medica has been held in high esteem since it was first published .

  4. 中国的《神农本草经》是世界上最古的本草书。写于2,000多年前,记载了300多种动植矿物。

    “ The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing ”, written more than 2,000 years ago , was the earliest book on materia medica in the world . Recorded in the book are over 300 kinds of animals , plants , and minerals used for medication .

  5. 李时珍以《本草纲目》一书而闻名。

    Li Shizhen was famous for his book , Compendium of Materia Medica .

  6. 本草纲目”问世之后,深受人们的推重。

    The Compendium of Materia Medica has been held in high esteem since it was first published . “

  7. 本草考证与文献考查PP碳酸型饮料瓶盖专用树脂的结构与性能

    Study on structure and property of PP speciality resin for capsule of carbonated beverage

  8. 本草考证与文献考查聚合物空腔胶囊的制备及CdS的组装

    Fabrication of polymer hollow capsule and synthesis of CdS nanoparticles in capsule

  9. 本草养颜膏对老龄大鼠皮肤SOD和Hyp的影响

    On the Influence of Herbaceous Beauty Parlor Cream on the SOD and Hyp of Old Rat 's Skin

  10. Gwe又名本草九甙,是一种来自中药的有效成份,是一种新型免疫调节剂。

    Gwe is a new immunological response modifier extracted from traditional Chinese herbs .

  11. 《中华本草》在中药学发展史上的历史意义。

    Historical Significance of Chinese Materia Medica in Developmrnt of Pharmacology .

  12. 《本草纲目》与诗词艺术

    《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》 VS Art of Poetry

  13. 方法:查阅历代的本草典籍,进行了整理、归纳。

    Methods : Look through the herbal works , then sum up .

  14. 他在电话机旁的便笺本草草记下一个通知。

    He jotted down a note on the pad by the telephone .

  15. 本草考证与文献考查复方白芷胶囊的长期毒性研究

    Research on chronic toxicology of Compound Radix Angelicae Dahuricae capsule

  16. 《食疗本草》中食物禁忌之分类研究

    A Classification Research on Food Taboo in Herbal Food Medicine

  17. 本草考证与文献考查海马胶囊对肾虚大鼠的扶正固本作用

    Strengthening and restoring effects of Hippocampus Capsule on kidney - deficient rats

  18. 在植物学领域,这些最早的著作是本草书。

    The first of these in the field of botany were the herbals .

  19. 本草学家在十六世纪曾统治了整个植物界。

    Herbalists dominated the sixteenth century botanical world .

  20. 《中华本草》化学成分命名法

    Nomenclature of Chemical Components in Chinese Materia Medica

  21. 第十五届全国药学史本草学术研讨会论文述要

    Paper Summary on the 15th National Symposium of History of Pharmacology and Materia Medica Academic

  22. 到中世纪后期和文艺复兴时期的植物学书,即各种”本草集“,

    And the herbals , the botanical books of up to the late Middle Ages ,

  23. 明代李时珍《本草纲目》一书记载药用两栖类9种。

    Compendium of Materia Medica recorded 9 kinds of medical amphibians can be used as medicine .

  24. 中国古代本草典籍述略

    Introduction to Chinese Ancient Agrostology Books

  25. 《本草纲目》消渴药物研究

    The traditional Chinese medicine research in " Compendium of Materia Medica " for " Xiaoke "

  26. 在种植园使用除莠剂防治多年生禾本草的一种新的方法

    A new System of Herbicide Use for the Control of Perennial Grass weeds in plantation Crops

  27. 紫苏,本草科一年生植物,可入药,河源本地人常用它作香料配菜。

    Basil , annual plants , herbal medicine division , heyuan locals it often makes flavor dishes .

  28. 论本草的概念

    On the Concept of Bencao

  29. 目的观察本草养颜膏对大鼠皮肤的毒性作用。

    Objective To observe the toxicity effects of herbaceous beauty parlour cream on the skin of rats .

  30. 在古籍《神农本草经》中已有关于红小豆药用的记载。

    In books ," Shen Nong 's Herbal Classic " has been recorded on the medicinal Bean .