
  • 网络cosmology
  1. 通向艺术本源论的几个概念

    Several Concepts Leading to the Artistic Origin Theory

  2. 存在之思中的艺术是什么&海德格尔艺术作品本源论之启示

    What Is Art in Existence ? & A revelation from Heidegger 's origin of art work

  3. 连续出版物本源论

    The Fountainhead Theory of Serials

  4. 通过选取艺术本源论中的几个主要概念,在他的思想体系中对它们进行考察,使我们能透过其概念运转的背后更加趋近海氏的存在论艺术观。

    Selecting some main concepts of artistic origin theory and investigating them in Heidegger 's thinking system , we could approach to the aesthetic view of ontology .

  5. 第五章从生命一体化的思维模式、祈孕生殖的隐性文化及阴阳本源论三个方面层层递进的论述了中国传统婚俗中的吉祥图案所蕴含的特有的中国文化内涵。

    The fifth chapter discussed the unique Chinese cultural connotations behind auspicious patterns in Chinese traditional wedding custom on the three aspects of mode of thinking of life integration , hidden culture of pray for pregnant and origin of yin and yang progressively .

  6. 摘要从本源本体论、马克思主义理论和契约论等典型角度考察,要科学回答“法律是什么”必须把法的内涵和外延辩证统一。

    An investigation from the typical angles of onto1o , Marxism theory and the theory of contract shows giving a scientific reply to " what is law " must be united the intension and extension of the law dialectically .