
zhòu yè
  • day and night;round the clock
昼夜 [zhòu yè]
  • (1) [day and night;round the clock] 白昼与夜晚

  • 不分昼夜

  • 昼夜营业

  • 死生,昼夜事也。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

  • 昼夜搒讯。--《明史》

  • (2) 又

  • 昼夜不息

  • 昼夜巡扰。--《广东军务记》

昼夜[zhòu yè]
  1. 从理论上说,我现在昼夜待命。

    In theory I 'm on call day and night .

  2. 节日里警察昼夜沿街巡逻。

    Day and night the policemen pace the streets in the holidays .

  3. 她以为她可以不分昼夜随时给我打电话。

    She thinks she can call me at all hours of the day and night .

  4. 他不分昼夜地天天上班。

    He 's on duty twenty-four seven .

  5. 他们英勇地战斗了7昼夜。

    They battled heroically for seven days and nights .

  6. 地球昼夜不停地运转。

    The earth moves day and night .

  7. 昼夜交替。

    Day alternates with night .

  8. 中国科学家苏颂800多年前发明的天文钟是世界上最早的天文钟。它能自动报告昼夜时刻和日出、日落等情况。

    The astronomical clock , invented by the Chinese scientist Su Song over 800 years ago , was the first of its kind in the world . It gave the correct time of the day and night , as well as the sunrise and the sunset .

  9. 我们在为完成这本词典而昼夜不停地工作着!

    We are working all round the clock to finish this dictionary !

  10. 他们与洪水战斗了七昼夜。

    They battled the flood for seven days and nights .

  11. 昼夜服务是这个商店的特色。

    Round-the-clock service features this store .

  12. 昼夜更替。

    Day and night alternate .

  13. 生活在我们制造的眩光中,我们已经将自己与我们的进化过程中留下的遗产和文化遗产——星光和昼夜——隔绝了。

    Living in a glare of our making , we have cut ourselves off from our evolutionary and cultural heritage — the light of the stars and the rhythms of day and night .

  14. 撒哈拉沙漠的昼夜温差很大。

    In the Sahara , temperatures are very different during the day and at night .

  15. 我住在一个飞机场附近,昼夜都能听到飞机飞过的嗡嗡声。

    I live near an airport and the zoom of passing planes can be heard night and day .

  16. 这种光亮还会影响野生动植物,扰乱昆虫、鸟类和其它动物所遵循的黑白昼夜交替的周期。

    It also affects wildlife , disrupting the natural light-dark cycle that insects , birds and other animals are tuned1 into .

  17. 我们不要求员工不分昼夜、废寝忘食地工作,但我们希望每个人都能努力地工作。

    We don ’ t expect staff1 to work their fingers to the bone , but we do expect hard work from everyone .

  18. 过去有一个人,头上没有头发。冬天大受寒冷,夏天则苦恼于太阳暴晒之热,加上蚊虻叮咬,昼夜不得安宁,十分痛苦。

    Once , there was a man who was bothered by total baldness . In winter , he felt particularly cold , while in summer , the heat scorched his head , bitten by mosquitoes and gadflies , he had no peace day or night .

  19. 单色LED蓝色光照对健康人体昼夜节律的影响

    Effects of monochrome blue LED light on healthy human circadian rhythm

  20. 昼夜节律性温度变化对蛋鸡血钙浓度及其pH值的影响

    Effect on Blood Calcium Concentration and pH in Hens under Cyclic Temperature Changes

  21. 我们报告胎儿多种组织存在褪黑素受体(MR),也存在昼夜节律。

    Our researches indicated that melatonin receptor existed in many tissues and also had a circadian rhythm .

  22. 雷贝拉唑不同剂量和用法对健康人胃内昼夜pH变化的影响

    Effect of different dosage and usage of rabeprazole on intragastric pH during daytime and nighttime

  23. 结论IR与血压昼夜模式改变有关。

    Conclusion : IR was associated with circadian rhythm alteration .

  24. 自然条件下植物叶片CO2同化率昼夜变化的生理生态特性

    Diurnal variation in net photosynthetic rate and respiration rate of plant leaf under natural conditions

  25. 小鼠海马组织中cAMP含量和AC活性的昼夜变化

    Circadian Variation of cAMP Concentration and Adenylate Cyclase Activity in Mice Hippocampus Tissue

  26. 正常人和胃食管反流病人的昼夜食管pH和动力变化

    Esophageal pH and Pressure Changes during Day and Night in Health Subjects and Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

  27. X射线探伤对操作工人尿cAMP和cGMP昼夜节律的影响

    The Effect of X-radiation on Circadian Rhythms of cAMP and cGMP in Worker 's Urine

  28. 结果两种褪黑素受体亚型mRNA的表达都具有昼夜节律性,但节律参数不同。

    Results Two melatonin receptor subtypes mRNA in SCN expressed in the pattern of circadian rhythm , with different parameters .

  29. 目的了解昼夜急性心肌梗塞(AMI)发病时间的特点;

    Objective To apprehend the characteristics of the pathogenic time of AMI round the clock .

  30. 特定饲养制度下山羊瘤胃内温度、pH、氨氮和蛋白质含量的昼夜动态变化

    The Day-night Dynamic Variation of Temperature , pH , Nitrogen and Protein Content in the Rumens of Castrated Goats under a Specific Feeding Regime