
  • 网络day length;daylength
  1. 昼长(这是一个季节而非气候因素)等因素可能影响疾病传播率,而降雨量可以在改变疾病传媒的栖息地方面扮演一个复杂的角色。

    Factors such as day length a seasonal rather than climatic factor can affect rates of disease transmission , while precipitation can play a complex role in changing habitats for disease vectors .

  2. 认为晚稻全株幼穗分化期的序列现象是生长点的继发性变化,是叶片生长序列以及昼长、温度等内外条件的生理效应,而非原发性的分生组织生理年龄的表现。

    It was considered to be a successive change on the growing point , and the physiological effects of leaf growth sequence , day length and temperature ete , but not a manifestation of the original " physiological age of the meristem " .

  3. 夏季昼长。

    In summer the days are long .

  4. 详细分析了两个主要气象因素(温度和降水)以及昼长季节变化对该种群动物的日活动节律的影响。

    This paper analyzes the influence of key weather variables ( temperature and rainfall ) and seasonal variations in daylength on daytime activity budgets .

  5. 春光明媚,鸟语花香,夏日炎炎,夜短昼长,秋天丰收,谷果满仓,冬飘瑞雪,新年在望。

    Spring is gay with flower and song , Summer is hot and the days are long , Autumn is rich with fruit and grain , Winter brings snow and the New Year again .

  6. 冬天昼短夜长。

    In winter the days are short and the nights long .

  7. 此外,季节情感紊乱症或称SAD的心理现象也可能导致一种与冬季昼短夜长有关的特殊类型的抑郁。

    In addition , the psychological phenomenon known as seasonal affective disorder , or SAD , may bring a specific type of depression related to winter 's shorter days and longer nights .

  8. 在昼短夜长的这些日子里,傍晚时分他上街时,路灯已在头顶上方欢快地闪烁。

    When he walked forth in the short days , the street lamps had a merry twinkle .

  9. 其他老鼠则只有8个小时的“白天”,和冬天昼短夜长的光照条件类似。

    Others had only eight hours of daily light , to mimic the short days of winter .