
  • 网络diurnal;diurnal activity
  1. 昼行性动物是在白天活动的;白日花是在白天开放、晚上关闭的。

    Diurnal animals are active during the day ; diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at night .

  2. 有一群动物(包括了人类与其他现存旧世界的灵长类祖先)变成了昼行性动物,散布到森林里头,并将果实纳为重要的食物。

    One group among which were the progenitors of humans and the other Old World primates living today took up a diurnal life , spread out into the trees , and made fruit an important part of their diet .

  3. 中缅树鼩为昼行性动物,实验室条件下其24h行止状态具有明显的规律性。

    Almost all the motility activity of TBCs are in daytime . Their behavior in 24 hours are obvious orderliness .