
rì yuè
  • sun and moon;life;livelihood
日月 [rì yuè]
  • (1) [life;livelihood]∶生计;生活

  • 舒心的日月

  • (2) [sun and moon]∶太阳和月亮

日月[rì yuè]
  1. 解放前的日月可真不好过啊!

    What a hard life we had before liberation !

  2. 日月所烛。

    All that is illumined by the sun and the moon .

  3. 日月昭昭。

    Bright are the sun and the moon .

  4. 四时更代谢,日月递参差。

    So the four seasons turn , and turn around , the Sun and the Moon rise and fall in succession .

  5. 为此我们设计了基于Web方式的电厂生产日月报管理系统。

    Therefore , we have designed the Web-based Managerial System for Daily & Monthly Report of Power Plant .

  6. 在小样本观测数据情况下,研究利用日地月方位信息和日月星历表进行航天器自主导航以及利用DSP实现航天器自主导航器的技术。

    The orientation information of the sun , the moon and the earth , together with ephemeris are utilized to develop autonomous navigation algorithm , as well as its realization by DSP hardware .

  7. 天文学项目带来的庞大预算可以为教育提供资金。SCBP为教师和学习者提供定期的研修班,其主题涉及从建造望远镜和分光镜到解释季节或日月食等天文概念。

    The SCBP holds regular workshops for educators and learners ranging from building telescopes and spectroscopes to explaining astronomical concepts such as seasons or eclipses .

  8. 乐观主义者可能会说,守得云开见日月。

    Optimists might say that every cloud has a silver lining .

  9. 就连日月也灰灰暗暗地,看起来没有一点生气。

    Even the sun and the moon look dim and inactive .

  10. 周三下午大跌后快速反弹,是对50日月线破位的回抽!

    Rapidly rising is a rebound of the50 days month line !

  11. 我们会说日月食是促进改变的契机。

    We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change .

  12. 日月引潮力与华北地区的地震

    Variation of lunisolar tidal force and the earthquakes in North China

  13. 长江下游地区地震的日月周期性

    Lunar and solar periodicities of earthquakes in lower Changjiang River Region

  14. 花儿美,碧水涟,日月彩云间;

    Flower beauty , the blue , the clouds darkened hand-drawn ;

  15. 那些分分秒秒日日月月我永远都要不回来了。

    Hours and days and weeks I 'll never have back .

  16. 日月山旅游文化的内涵及其开发

    The Cultural connotation of the Tourism on Riyue Mountains and the development

  17. 109国道日月峡滑坡调查

    The winter landslide survey in Ri-Yue gorge of No.109 autostrada

  18. 看那天地日月,恒静无言;

    Look sky earth sun and moon , constant static and silent ;

  19. 基于日月周期的历法。

    A calendar based on both lunar and solar cycles .

  20. 你将成为日月星辰之王。

    Then you will be the morning and evening star .

  21. 并且曾经在冰冻的漫长的日月里动都不动。

    And which had not moved during the long months of frost .

  22. 浮日月星辰之上。

    Floating above the sun , moon and stars .

  23. 附论元明时期的日月牌饰。

    On the sun and moon plates in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties .

  24. 日月引力对水准测量成果的影响

    The influence of attraction resulted from the sun and the moon to leveling

  25. 这个概念是在上一张专辑《心中的日月》开始的。

    Uh , I started it off in my last album called Shangrila .

  26. 一天天,一年年,日月流转。

    Day by day , year , the sun and the moon flow .

  27. 最受欢迎的景点是台北和日月潭。

    The most popular destinations are Taipei and the Sun and Moon Lake .

  28. 我们有一间可以眺望日月潭美景的房间。

    We have a room commanding a good view of Sun Moon Lake .

  29. 那就是为什么人们称这个湖为日月潭了。

    That is why people call the lake the Sun and Moon Lake .

  30. 日月流逝,年复一年。

    The years came and the years went by .