
rì dì guān xi
  • solar-terrestrial relationship
日地关系[rì dì guān xi]
  1. 日地关系与地球磁场及有关地质变动的讨论

    Discussion on Sun-Earth relation , geomagnetic field and relative geological fluctuations

  2. 关于2003年10~11月日地关系重大事件研究综述

    Review on violent Sun - Earth connection events of October - November 2003

  3. 关于全球电路与日地关系研究

    A study of global electrical circuit and solar-terrestrial coupling

  4. 日地关系研究的一种新观点介绍

    An introduction to new viewpoint on Solar-Terrestrial relations

  5. 从日地关系的角度出发,探讨太阳活动对人类疾病有何影响。

    On the basis of the solar-terrestrial relations point of view , the paper investigates the influences of solar activities upon the human race .

  6. 据了解,这些图片由一对太阳观测卫星“日地关系天文台”拍摄,使人们得以同时观测到太阳的正反两面。

    Captured by two Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory ( STEREO ) spacecraft , those images enable people to see the Sun front and back simultaneously .

  7. 日地关系是空间等离子体物理研究中的一个重要方面,太阳风驱动行星际磁场以及行星际的等离子体与地球偶极磁场的相互作用产生了我们所观测到的磁层。

    Solar-terrestrial relation is an important aspect of space plasma research . The interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) and plasma , driven by the solar wind , interacts with the dipole field of the earth and generates the observed magnetosphere .

  8. 其主要目标是理解日地环境的结构以及它的动态反应,并探索控制日地关系的潜在机制。

    The main objective of STEL is to understand the structure of the Sun-Earth environment and its dynamic behavior , and to discover the underlying mechanisms that control Sun-Earth relationships .