
  • 网络sunrise;Sunrise Time
  1. 这还可能引发心理健康问题。就学生群体而言,一些研究表明比日出时间起床还早的鸟儿们在学业上比不过那些稍微赖床的人。

    It might even contribute to mental health issues.And as far as your students are concerned , some research has shown that those with unnaturally early start time , so figure those who have to be awake before the sun is up , don 't do as well academically as those who start a little later .

  2. 配合太阳视运动轨迹,用图解法或数值计算法即可求出相应点的实际日出、日落时间和可照时数。

    Therefore , it is possible to obtain the sunrise time and the day length of any point in the shading region graphically or numerically , with the apparent motion locus of the sun and the above calculation of the corresponding point .

  3. 最后从日出到日没时间段进行积分,得到散射辐射日总量。

    Next , integral again from the sun-rise time to down , it is the one whole day diffuse radiation amount .

  4. 15.摄影的黄金时间是日落后和日出前的短暂时间,此时能拍出光影和色彩都堪称完美的照片。

    15.Shoot now : The golden hour , just after sunrise and before sunset , produces the prettiest shadows and colors for photographs .