
  • 网络helioseismology
  1. 同时随着日震学的成熟发展,星震学也成为探测恒星内部结构的一种基本工具。

    And age smaller than the Sun . Following the success of helioseismology , asteroseismology is now becoming a fundamental tool for penetrating the internal structure of stars .

  2. 日震学在研究太阳内部结构和演化方面取得的巨大成就促使人们去研究那些具有类似太阳振动现象的恒星。

    The great achievements in research of the Sun 's interior structure and evolution by using helioseismology encouraged people to study the fixed stars with oscillation phenomenon similar to that of the Sun .

  3. 随着日震学的发展,该理论也得到了很大改进。

    With the development of helioseismology , the solar dynamo has made great progresses .