
  • 网络foundation pit monitoring
  1. 面向对象的深基坑监测模型及系统开发

    Object-oriented model and development of deep foundation pit monitoring system

  2. 本文利用上述几种算法对南锚锭深基坑监测信息进行了智能预测。

    Intelligent prediction is made to south anchor deep foundation pit monitoring information by above mentioned algorithms .

  3. 基于Web方式的深基坑监测管理信息系统的设计

    Design of management information system based on Web for monitoring of deep pit

  4. 基于GPS的基坑监测数据处理及可视化实现

    Monitoring Data Processing and Visualization Achievement of Pit Based on GPS

  5. 测地型GPS在基坑监测位移中的应用

    Application of GPS to the displacement monitoring of foundation pit

  6. 最后,采用c连接Access数据库开发了深基坑监测信息处理系统V1.0。

    A deep pit monitoring information processing system V1.0 is developed by connecting to Access database by C # .

  7. 基于基坑监测变形值具有一定的灰色特征,利用灰色系统理论建立了基坑监测变形值的等步长与非等步长GM(1,1)预测模型。

    On the basis that the deformation of deep excavation has gray characters , a GM ( 1,1 ) forecasting model with equal step distance and unequal step distance of load sequence was established by using the gray system theory .

  8. 复杂环境下的软土基坑监测分析

    Monitoring analysis of the soft soil foundation pit in complicated environment

  9. 基坑监测相关规范比较

    Comparison on national codes and specifications about pit retaining monitoring

  10. 非固定站差分法在深基坑监测中的应用

    Application of Difference Method by Non-fixed Total Station in Deep Pit Monitoring

  11. 珠海口岸广场基坑监测结果分析

    Analysis of Foundation Pit Monitoring Results of Zhuhai Port Square

  12. 深部位移监测技术在城市深基坑监测中的应用

    The application of deep displacement monitoring technology in urban deep excavation monitoring

  13. 公路隧道深基坑监测分析

    Monitoring Analysis of Deep Foundation Pit in Road Tunnel

  14. 上海市龙阳小区公共服务项目2~楼基坑监测分析

    Monitoring and Analyzing of the Deep Foundation Pit of Shanghai Longyang Building No.2

  15. 复杂环境下地下连续墙内支撑基坑监测分析

    Monitoring Analysis on Foundation Excavation Internally Supported with Diaphragm Wall in Complex Environment

  16. 某工程放坡段基坑监测

    Foundation Pit Monitoring of Slope Segment in a Project

  17. 地铁车站明挖施工基坑监测技术与分析

    Analysis on the Foundation Pit Construction Monitoring Technology in Open-Cut Construction in Subway

  18. 地下车库深基坑监测具有结构复杂、监测内容多、信息量大等特点。

    The construction quality and safety is based on the monitoring for deep pit .

  19. 基于智能算法的深基坑监测信息预测研究

    Study on the Prediction of Monitoring Information for Deep Foundation Pit Based on Intelligent Algorithm

  20. 基于小波技术的基坑监测时间序列动态预测研究

    Study on Dynamic Prediction of Foundation Pit Monitoring Time Series Analysis Methods Based on Wavelet Technology

  21. 基坑监测表明,灵活应用基坑组合方案可以取得良好效果。

    Pit monitoring shows that the flexible application of combined bracing plans can achieve good effect .

  22. 基坑监测与工程的设计、施工同被列为深基坑工程质量保证的三大基本要素。

    Monitoring , design and construction are the three basic factors of guaranteeing foundation pit 's safety .

  23. 软土地基复合土钉墙支护基坑监测及变形分析

    The Measure and Distortion Analysis of Composite Soil Nailing Wall Shoring for Foundation Pit in Soft Soil Stratum

  24. 第三章是系统的需求分析,介绍了基坑监测方面的相关内容及对系统的需求。

    Chapter III is the system requirement analysis , described pit monitoring relevant content and requirements for the system .

  25. 而泛化回归神经网络是一种非线性函数模型,具有较强的非线性逼近能力,适用于深基坑监测中的变形分析和预报应用中。

    And the Generalized Regression Neural Network is a nonlinear function model . It has strong nonlinear approximation capability .

  26. 并根据基坑监测曲线特征,对基坑开挖过程中监测预警系统进行了探讨。

    The warning system of for monitoring foundation pits was discussed according to the characteristics of monitoring curves along excavation .

  27. 星河国际酒店项目深基坑监测工程实录

    A Case History of Construction Monitoring For the Deep Excavation of A Foundation Pit of the Xinghe International Hotel Project

  28. 与基坑监测相关的国家规范及行业规程主要有三种,它们既有相同或相似的条文,也有差异显著的技术指标。

    There are three primary national codes and specifications on pit retaining monitoring , whose many clauses are identical or similar .

  29. 针对基坑监测信息建立非线性隐式模型,来预测基坑稳定性发展趋势。

    On the basis of monitoring information , nonlinear implicit model should be set up to predict stability development trend of foundation pit .

  30. 该系统具有深基坑监测数据管理、查询、图形生成、预测分析、报表生成等功能,实现对监测信息的自动化和可视化管理。

    The system has some functions , such as deep foundation excavation monitor data management , data query , graphics generation , forecast analysis and report generation .