
  • 网络Bedrock coast;Rocky Coast;Rocky Coastal
  1. 区内多处的海底礁石群都位于近岸岛屿与基岩海岸附近,为地质历时期,板块构造运动的碰撞形成基底隆起带。

    Numbers of underwater reefs were seen near the inshore islands and rocky coast in the study area , as a result of the collision and basement uplift on tectonic movement in the geological history .

  2. 浙江省沿海基岩海岸主要树种的调查研究

    Investigations and Study on Main Tree Species in Bedrock Coast of Zhejiang

  3. 浙江省基岩海岸生态型经济林的调查与研究

    Investigations and Study on Ecological Economic Forest in Bedrock Coast of Zhejiang

  4. 沿海基岩海岸不同林分土壤含水率与气象因子的相关分析

    Relative Analysis on Soil Moisture Content and Climate Factor in Different Forest Stand in Coastal Bedrock

  5. 基岩海岸节理对区域宏观断裂系的响应及其对海岸线分形性质的影响研究&以中国福州市基岩海岸为例

    Response of Joint to Macro-tectonic and Its Effect on Fractal Character of Coastline in Bedrock Coast A Case Study of Bedrock Coast in Fuzhou City , China

  6. 在跟踪国际、国内海岸线分形研究进展的基础上,以中国基岩海岸为例,对宏观尺度下构造对基岩海岸岸线走向、形状与分维大小的影响进行了研究。

    According to the fractal theory , effects of the tectonic on the fractal character of coastline are preliminarily discussed as a case study of China bedrock coast in macro-scale .

  7. 我国的海岸类型,按地面物质构成不同,可概括为基岩海岸、砂砾质海岸、淤泥质海岸和生物海岸;

    The coastal types of China , according to the composing matter of ground , could be generalized into the coasts of rock estuary , sand , mud-deposition and biogenic coast .

  8. 本文对南设得兰群岛乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛周围现代和上升海岸地貌进行了研究。认为现代海岸地貌有三类:碎屑海岸、基岩海岸和冰崖海岸。

    Field investigation of the modern coastal phenomena around the Fildes Peninsula of King George Island , South Shetland Islands , Antarctica permits us to suggest that there are three kinds of modern coastal features : fragmental coast , rock coast and ice cliff coast .

  9. 三亚港原始岸线为基岩港湾海岸,由中生代花岗岩构成。

    The primary coastline of the port was bedrock embayment and composed of Mesozoic granite .

  10. 砂矿的分布与滨海带的基岩性质、海岸带类型、地貌、水系、水动力条件、海底底质等密切相关。

    The distributions have a close relation with bed rock property , littoral zone types , geography , water systems , hydraulic conditions and bed property of sea bottom .