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  • 网络Dakota Fanning;Rebecca Fannin
  1. 目露红光的众人中包括了英国著名演员迈克尔·西恩以及童星,达科特·范宁。

    The red-eyed baddies include British actor Michael Sheen and child star Dakota Fanning .

  2. 美国女演员达科塔范宁就在最近向大家展示了佩戴这种帽子的新方式。

    American actress Dakota Fanning just showed girls a new way to wear this hat .

  3. 刚刚结束新片《好女孩》(VeryGoodGirls)在圣丹斯电影节的首映,达科塔·范宁(DakotaFanning)又回到了聚光灯下,登陆《Glamour》杂志2013年3月号。

    Fanning graced the cover of Glamour 's March 2013 issue .

  4. 与此同时,少女明星艾丽•范宁(ElleFanning)则是甘琴斯卡娅与WalkofShameMoscow的拥趸。

    The actress Elle Fanning , meanwhile , is a follower of Gazinskaya and Walk of Shame Moscow .

  5. 范宁,也就是Napster,也是这些人中的一位。

    And fanning , er , Napster , was one of those people as well .

  6. 他们将共同领导Airtime,帕克任董事长,范宁任首席执行官。

    The duo will lead Airtime , with Mr Parker as chairman and Mr Fanning as chief executive .

  7. 18岁的范宁在采访中聊到了MarcJacobs香水广告遭禁事件以及自己的妹妹艾丽·范宁(ElleFanning)。

    During the darling Ellen Von Unwerth photo shoot , the 18-year-old actress dished to the mag about everything from the Marc Jacobs perfume scandalto her little sister , Elle Fanning .

  8. 13岁的好莱坞童星艾丽范宁和14岁的海利斯坦菲尔德已分别同马克雅各布以及MiuMiu签订了模特合约。

    Hollywood child actresses Elle Fanning , 13 , and 14-year-old Hailee Steinfeld have both recently signed modeling deals with Marc Jacobs and Miu Miu respectively .

  9. 今年年初,阿灵顿宣布,他将重操旧业,继续进行投资活动&并为初创公司纳普斯特(Napster)的创始人肖恩•范宁与掘客网(Digg)创始人凯文•罗斯提供了资助。

    Then , earlier this year , Arrington announced that he was back in the investing game & backing new start-ups from Napster founder Shawn fanning and Digg creator Kevin rose .

  10. 这就是范宁,一个始终向往前方光明的姑娘!

    This is Fanning and she is always looking forward to her bright future .

  11. 范宁击打了鲨鱼的背部,并开始向岸边游去。

    Fanning punched the shark in the back and began swimming towards the shore .

  12. 范宁上校在你后头吗?

    And Colonel Fannin is behind you ?

  13. 肖恩•范宁和史恩•帕克并没有回应我们反复提出的采访要求。

    Shawn fanning and Sean Parker did not respond to repeated requests to be interviewed .

  14. 范宁,东晋著名的政治家、经学家。

    Fan Ning is a famous politician and a Confucianist of Confucian classics in Eastern Dynasty .

  15. 谁知道,南达科他州范宁的妹妹艾丽将这样的照耀下,冉冉升起的新星?

    Who knew that Dakota Fanning 's younger sister Elle would be such a shining , rising star ?

  16. 我所说的立刻,指的是范宁第一次向我描述它的时候。

    And what I mean by immediately , I mean when [ fanning ] first described it to me .

  17. 通过将练习与扫描相结合,范宁能够帮助患者训练头脑,改变其行为。

    Through exercises and scanning , he was able to help patients train their brains to change their behaviour .

  18. 另一名名叫朱利安·威尔逊的选手当时也在水中,他开始向范宁方向游去,希望能够提供帮助。

    His competitor Julian Wilson , who was also in the water , swam towards Fanning hoping to help .

  19. 在电视机前的观众,包括范宁的妈妈看到他完好无损的抵达岸边都松了一口气。

    Terrified television viewers , including Fanning 's mother , were relieved to see the surfers reach the shore unharmed .

  20. 鲨鱼咬住了范宁的冲浪板绳索,一个浪头将他击倒在水中。

    The shark grabbed the rope on Fanning 's board , and a wave pulled the surfer under the water .

  21. 范宁(《世界大战》)等。出席宴会的当然也少不了家人,率先到达宴会的人中就有“阿汤哥”的妈妈和姐姐。

    And , of course , there was family : Cruise 's mother and sister were among the first guests to arrive .

  22. 加之朱莉在片中大胆夸张、令人惊艳的造型,不费吹灰之力就让片中的其他角色黯然失色,甚至连范宁饰演的奥萝拉公主也难以望其项背。

    With her edgy and stunning image , she effortlessly makes everyone else , including Fanning 's Princess Aurora , pale into insignificance .

  23. 从该模型的求解可以得到水煤浆管道输送过程中的能量损失、范宁摩阻系数随管径的变化及不同输送量下的管道输送最佳管径。

    Energy losses , frictional coefficient and the optimum economical pipeline diameter at different flow rate of CWS can be revealed by solving the model .

  24. 范宁还去过家附近一个剧场,其出色的表现引起了剧场的注意,并建议她的父母安排范宁见经纪人。

    Her outstanding performance in the theatre nearby caught the attention of the staff there and they suggested her parents to arrange an agent for her .

  25. 据《每日邮报》报道,范宁在参加今年的戛纳电影节时,就身着露肩蓝色牛仔裙,脚穿棕色凉鞋,肩背大手提包,头戴一顶经典自然款巴拿马草帽,把休闲着装穿出了时尚范儿。

    With an off-the-shoulder denim ruffle dress , tan sandals , a tote bag and a Panama classic natural on top , Fanning transformed her casual look to chic on her way to this year 's Cannes Film Festival , according to the Daily Mail .