
wǎn yán xiè jué
  • politely refuse;decline ... with thanks;refuse with thanks;graciously decline
婉言谢绝 [wǎn yán xiè jué]
  • [politely refuse;graciously decline] 辞语婉转地不答应

婉言谢绝[wǎn yán xiè jué]
  1. 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。

    I offered to give them a lift but they declined .

  2. 我最初的反应是要婉言谢绝这个提议。

    My initial reaction was to decline the offer .

  3. 当他请我跳舞时,我婉言谢绝了。

    When he asked me to dance , I declined politely .

  4. 我邀请约翰和我们在一起,可是他婉言谢绝了。

    I invited John to join us , but he declined .

  5. 我们收到一封婉言谢绝我们邀请的复函。

    We received a delicately worded refusal of our invitation .

  6. 粗鲁的同意不如婉言谢绝。

    Civil denial is better than a rude grant .

  7. 我邀请他吃饭,但他婉言谢绝了我的邀请。

    I invited him to dine , but he declined my invitation with thanks .

  8. 海格给他们沏了茶,还端来了白鼬三明治,他们婉言谢绝了。

    Hagrid made them tea and offered them stoat sandwiches , which they refused .

  9. 一会儿,格雷厄姆第二次要给他倒时,他婉言谢绝了,起身告辞。

    A little later , Niemand declined a second one and started to leave .

  10. 她婉言谢绝了邀请。

    She declined their invitation with thanks .

  11. 他对你的馈赠婉言谢绝了。

    He declined your offer with thanks .

  12. 她婉言谢绝参加他们的活动。

    She declined to join them .

  13. 茉莉本来选了一所较大的房子,却被他婉言谢绝了。

    Molly chose a better house for him at first but he declined it with thanks .

  14. 郑最近婉言谢绝了当地作家协会为她提供的一份工作而继续卖她的铁具。

    Zheng recently declined a job offer from the local writers'association and continues to sell her metal tools .

  15. 他邀请我参加他的盛会,但是我婉言谢绝了他的主动邀请因为她的前妻也参加。

    He invited me to her great ball and I declined his invitation for his first wife would be there .

  16. 在与人交流时,人们通常都会遇到一种情形,那就是需要婉言谢绝别人的邀请。

    When communicating with people it is not unusual to find oneself in a situation where one has to politely decline an offer .

  17. 一家跨国公司向他许诺一份待遇优厚的工作,而他婉言谢绝了,因为接受那项工作就意味着大多数时间都得在国外出差。

    An international corporation offered him a well-paid job , which he refused politely , since taking it would involve traveling abroad most of the time .

  18. 一天晚上,大业母亲突然做一梦,说大业将娶一位公主为妻,于是婉言谢绝了那些提亲的人。

    One night , Daye 's mother had a dream which told her that a princess would marry her son . So , Daye 's mother gratefully declined all marriage offers .

  19. 阿切尔此时对他们可能在那儿进行的交谈没有情绪,便借口回家有工作要做而婉言谢绝。

    Archer , who was not in the mood for the kind of talk they were likely to get there , declined on the plea that he had work to do at home ;