
  • 网络mountain tourism
  1. 安徽省山地旅游资源定量评价与开发

    On the quantitative evaluation and exploitation of mountain tourism resources in Anhui

  2. 川西山地旅游资源的优势与生态旅游产品的形象设计

    The Advantages of Mountain Tourism Resources and Image Design of Ecotourism Products in West Sichuan

  3. 基于旅游交通出行链的山地旅游交通模式研究

    Mountain Tourist Traffic Pattern Based on Tourist Traffic Trip Chain

  4. 水土流失对山地旅游地水体观光功能影响研究

    Effect of the Soil Erosion on the Water Landscape of Mountain Tourist Destination

  5. 论山地旅游资源分区与开发布局原则&以湖南省为例

    Regional division of mountainous tourism resources and principles for their development and distribution

  6. 成都地区山地旅游营销策略研究

    Research on Tourism Marketing Strategies for Chengdu Mountainous Area

  7. 山地旅游资源特征及景区开发研究

    Study on the features of tourism resources of mountainous area and exploitation of scenic spot

  8. 我国山地旅游资源特征及可持续开发利用对策探讨

    A Study on the Characteristics and Sustainable Development of the Mountainous Tourism Resources in China

  9. 山地旅游地水体浊度与降雨及流域特性关系研究

    Study on the relation of water turbidity , rainfall and characteristics of watershed in mountain resort

  10. 我国是一个多山的国家,自古便盛行山地旅游。

    China is a mountainous country , in which mountain tourism has been popular since ancient times .

  11. 因此山地旅游的科学开发从来就是成都地区一个重要课题。

    Therefore , the development of tourism in this region has been a major subject of Chengdu .

  12. 山地旅游是休闲度假旅游产品的最佳载体,但山地旅游优越区在数量上较为稀缺。

    Mountain tourism is the best carrier of leisure tourism products , but optimal area is less .

  13. 因此,我国山地旅游资源的开发在今后仍然是一项重要和及其迫切的任务。

    So the development of mountain tourism resources in our country is still a major and urgent task .

  14. 全国众多地区已经出现建设山地旅游休闲度假目的地的浪潮。

    Many parts of the country have set off the construction wave of mountain tourist and recreational resort .

  15. 本文关于云南山地旅游开发的思想来源于自然生态旅游的兴起。

    The idea about mountain tourism exploitation in the paper comes from the development of natural area tourism .

  16. 第4章通过对国内优秀山地旅游小镇的实例分析得出建设启示。

    Chapter 4 through the mountain tourist town of domestic outstanding examples of analysis that the building of enlightenment .

  17. 山地旅游以其自然纯朴优美的生态环境,多样化的山地旅游资源和旅游项目而受到各类人群的喜爱。

    More and more people show great zeal for mountain tourism for its natural environment , rich tourist resources and activities .

  18. 相比于丰富、高品位的山地旅游资源,云南山地旅游开发尚处于初级阶段。

    Comparing with rich and high value mountain tourist resources in Yunnan , Mountain tourism exploitation are still in the primary stage .

  19. 陕西秦岭是秦岭山脉的主体,是陕西省山地旅游开发的重点。

    Shaanxi Qinling is a main part of Qinling Mountains and is also a focal point of the mountain tourism development in Shaanxi .

  20. 西昌是航天城、月亮城、历史文化城、山地旅游休闲城、又是彝族文化的中心。

    Xichan is characterized by aerospace city , moon city , historic and cultural city , tourism city and the center of Yi culture .

  21. 福建自然旅游资源尤其是山地旅游资源极为丰富,山地旅游开发与研究越来越受到重视。

    Fujian has rich natural tourism resources especially the mountain tourism resources , the development and research of mountain tourism are taken more seriously .

  22. 传统山地旅游资源的开发如何应对旅游产业升级的变化已成为业界理论研究的热点。

    The development of traditional mountain tourism resources to upgrade how to deal with changes in the tourism industry has become the focus of theoretical research .

  23. 摘要贫困型山地旅游区旅游资源丰富,然而其旅游开发现状不容乐观。

    Based on the study of tourism developmental situation on poor countryside , this paper produces a model of sustainable tourism development which suits poor countryside .

  24. 最后结论部分总结云南山地旅游开发一定是坚持可持续发展原则,使自然、绛济、礼会三位一体的复合系统获得最优化效益。

    The conclusion points out that the best developing mode is keeping the strategy of sustainable development to get the optimal natural , social , and economic benefits .

  25. 从目前国内外相关研究来看,对山地旅游资源开发的研究,在理论上和评价方法上还有待于进一步完善。

    According to current correlative research from home and abroad , the research on exploitation of mountain tourism resource needs to be improved both in theory and evaluation methods .

  26. 随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,山地旅游环境问题已成为国内外旅游研究的重要领域之一。

    With rapid development of the tourist industry , the problem of the mountain tourist environment has been becoming one of the most important fields at home and abroad .

  27. 云南山地旅游资源独特而丰富,主要体现在山地类型的多样性、山地资源的稀有性、山地生态景观的立体性等几个方面。

    Mountain tourist resources of Yunnan is abundant and unique , its features lie in various mountain types , scarce and diversified mountain biology resources , vertical mountain landscape and so on .

  28. 第二部分主要从国内外研究文献入手,深入研究中外山地旅游开发的异同,以及各种转型理论。

    The second part started from the domestic and international research literature , studied the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign mountain tourism development deeply , and a variety of transition theory .

  29. 最后,本文对山地旅游开发模式、山地与生态旅游、山地旅游的生命周期、山地旅游发展中的问题及解决办法等方面进行了讨论。

    At last , we give a discussion about exploitation patterns of mountain tourism , mountain and ecotourism , the life cycle of mountain tourism and problems of development of mountain tourism and corresponding solutions .

  30. 然而在对以往建成山地旅游宾馆的研究中发现,尽量的节约建设宾馆的投入资金,并促使宾馆在经营中获得最大的经济利益成为了宾馆设计所重视的问题。

    However , it is found in the study of mountain tourist hotel , the important matter in hotel design is try one 's best to saving fund in build hotel and obtain maximal economy advantage .