
  • 网络shandong college of arts;Shandong Arts Institute
  1. 山东艺术学院

    Sculpture Department of Shandong Academy of Fine Arts

  2. 受试者是山东艺术学院艺术文化学院本科一年级以及三年级的学生。

    The subjects are the first graders and the third graders from College of Arts and Culture in Shandong University of Arts .

  3. 本访谈录主要介绍了山东艺术学院艺术文化管理系的创办初衷,发展历程及前景;

    The interview mainly talks about the purpose of setting up the department of art Management of Shandong Arts College , the process of its development and the prospect ;

  4. 山东艺术学院戏剧影视文学专业大四学生、23岁的陈思(音译)在自己的账单上打上了“无法直视”的标签。

    Chen Si , 23 , a senior in Literature of Film and TV at Shandong University of Arts , put a stamp " Can 't bear to look at it " on her statement .

  5. 从总平面布局、平面、剖面、建筑造型、结构等设计及系统设置方面介绍了山东艺术学院教学楼的设计。

    This is an introduction of the classroom building pf shandong Province Art institute , it goes from several aspects : site planning , floor planning , section design , plastic art , structure design , system design .

  6. 现为中国美协会员,山东花鸟画研究会理事,山东艺术学院教授。

    Now he 's the member of China Artists Association , director of Shangdong Research Society of Flower & Bird Painting , professor of Shangdong College of Arts .