
  • 网络Qingdao Technical College
  1. 青岛职业技术学院校园网改造工程的设计与实施研究

    The Research on the Design and Implementation of the Campus Network Construction in Qingdao Technical College

  2. 如何实现高职院校学报交流与赠阅工作效益最大化&以《青岛职业技术学院学报》为例

    The Methods of Achieving the Maximum Effectiveness in Exchanging and Offering Free Copies of the Journals of Higher Vocational Colleges & Take Journal of Qingdao Technical College for Example

  3. 青岛职业技术学院2005年毕业生职业倾向测试调查报告

    A Survey on the Employment Tendency of Graduates of Qingdao Vocational and Technical College in 2005

  4. 每天都有青岛职业技术学院的老师教我们一些可以在奥运会期间使用的特殊词汇和句子。

    Everyday another teacher of QTC teaches us some special words and sentences we can use for the Olympics .

  5. 2000~2005年《青岛职业技术学院学报》载文及作者统计分析

    The Statistic Analysis on the Articles and Their Authors in Journal of Qingdao Vocational & Technical College Published from the Year of 2000 to 2005

  6. 项目本钱分析部分,通过青岛职业技术学院实训技术馆项目先容了几种我们使用的几种分析方法。

    For the project cost analysis , through the example of Technical Museum project of Qingdao Technical College the thesis introduced a number of analytical methods we usually used .

  7. 本课题来源于青岛FY职业技术学院在人力资源管理中引进战略绩效管理的实践探索。

    The subject originates in practice of strategy management be introduced into management of human resources in Qingdao FY Vocational Technical College .

  8. 大学校园设计发展的新趋向&青岛酒店管理职业技术学院设计

    New tendency of university campus design & Design made by Qingdao Professional College of Cabaret Administration

  9. 近年来,青岛酒店管理职业技术学院酒店专业的发展不断扩大,而全国各高职院校行业内的竞争日益激烈。

    In recent years , Qingdao hotel management professional technology institute hotel professional development constantly expanding , and the national vocational colleges increasingly fierce competition within the industry .

  10. 青岛酒店管理职业技术学院目前有6个二级学院、30多个高等职业教育专业,在职教职工500余人,在校学生1万余人。

    Qingdao Hotel Management Vocational and Technical College currently has 6 colleges , 30 vocational education professional , serving more than 500 faculty members , and has more than 1 million students in school .

  11. 第二部分写作是根据对位于青岛的山东外贸职业技术学院某一班级进行的两份问卷测试进行撰写的。

    The latter is based on two questionnaire texts of a class from Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College in the Qingdao .