
shān niǎo
  • blackbird
  1. 一只山鸟的晚歌打断了他的遐想。

    A blackbird broke in on his reverie with an evening song .

  2. 然而,我要说,幸运的虫鸟儿会有一只山鸟为他抓虫子吃。

    However , the lucky ones have a blackbird to catch the worm for them .

  3. 雄鹰,海鸥,比金丝雀或者山鸟更遥远地。

    The hawk , the seagull , have far more possess 'd me than the .

  4. 乌鸦也好,山鸟也好,攻击人类就是很严重的了。

    Crows or blackbirds , if the school was attacked , that 's pretty serious .

  5. 在歌中,猎人将自己比作鹿所钟爱的美丽山鸟。

    In this song , the hunter likens himself to the beautiful blackbird loved by the deer .

  6. 她快速走过画满田园风格的山鸟的走廊,来到了另外一个世界。

    Breezing through a hallway painted with pastoral images of mountains and birds , she enters another world .

  7. 我的道路是在充满阳光的草场上的,玫瑰为我开着芳香的花朵,山鸟和画眉为我唱欢乐的情歌。

    My path lies through the sunlit meadows , the sweetest roses bloom for my gathering , and the blackbirds and thrushes await my coming to pour forth their most joyous lays .

  8. 结果表明,龙王山鸟类有165种,隶属17目42科109属,其中留鸟86种,夏候鸟33种,冬候鸟37种,旅鸟9种。

    There are 165 species 109 genera 42 families and 17 orders which include 86 species of resident , 33 of summer types , 37 of winter types and 9 of traveling types .