
  1. 那些注射了kisspeptin的男子对自己看到的夫妇色情图片和非色情图片的反应是不同的。Kisspeptin于20世纪90年代中期在宾夕法尼亚州的好时镇被发现,并以该市出产的好时之吻巧克力糖果的名字命名。

    Those injected with kisspeptin , discovered in the mid-1990s in Hershey , Pennsylvania , and named after sweets from the city called Hershey 's Chocolate Kisses , reacted differently to sexual and non-sexual romantic pictures of couples .

  2. 当选举结果揭晓时,市镇大厅外人山人海,大家疯狂似地欢呼。

    When the result was declared the great crowd outside the town hall cheered wildly .

  3. 日本飞机来空袭时村和镇官员向南宁方面报警。

    The village and township officials aided in warning Nan-ning of approaching Japanese aircraft .

  4. 开始下倾盆大雨时山姆正在镇垃圾场后面疏浚排水沟。

    Sam was dredging the drainage ditch behind the town dump when the downpour began .

  5. 当我们到达山顶时,市镇就呈现在我们脚下。

    When we reached the top of the hill , the town appeared below us .

  6. 煨煮中药时,用镇板压住漂浮中药,就可以煨煮出质量好的药液。

    When the Chinese medicine is decocted , the floating Chinese medicine is pressed by the apron block , and the medicine liquid with adequate quality can be decocted out .

  7. 应用这种数字鲁棒控制器,闭环系统可具有大时变时滞鲁棒镇定性,且完全抑制定值负载干扰。

    By means of this digital robust controller the closed loop system will enjoy both robust stability for the large time varying time delay and complete set point load disturbance rejection .

  8. 当拴连卫星系统的拴连约束假设为刚性且无质量时,在构造镇定律时,必须应用有关临界镇定的一些结果。

    It is observed that results from the critical stabilization must be applied in the construction of the stabilizing law for a tethered satellite system when the tether is assumed rigid and massless .