
  1. 室内设计师的整个职业生涯都是紧跟时尚潮流的。

    Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends

  2. 很多信托自由儿都刻意避开时尚潮流或者昂贵珠宝,只为保持自己嬉皮或懒散的形象。

    Many trustafarians studiously avoid fashion trends or expensive jewelry3 in order to maintain their hippie or slacker image .

  3. 粉丝关注的中心从狭义上讲可以是某个名人,从广义上讲可以涵盖所有的兴趣爱好、风格或时尚潮流。

    The subject of fan interest can be narrowly defined , focused on something like an individual celebrity for sports .

  4. 像其他上世纪八十年代的时尚潮流一样,果冻鞋自上世纪九十年代以来曾经数次回归时尚前端。

    Like many other fashion trends from the 1980s , jellies have been revived a number of times since the late 1990s .

  5. 尚品CEO赵世诚不仅着眼于时尚潮流,也关注商业趋势。

    Zhao pays attention to trends not only in fashion but also in business .

  6. 平板电视消费市场正成为彩电市场消费的时尚潮流,CRT彩电企业面对残酷的外部环境。

    The LCD color television market is becoming the fashion tidal . The CRT television enterprises are facing the brutal exterior competition environment .

  7. BALENOCLASSIC(宾奴)皮具必将成为引领行业时尚潮流的新力。

    BALENO CLASSIC Leather goods must be a new power leading to lead the fashion and tide .

  8. 在供应链提速方面,Gap落在了姐妹品牌之后,这使其无法迅速对大热或受冷的时尚潮流做出反应,也无法迅速应对H&M和优衣库的动作。

    Gap was slower than its sister brands to speed up its supply chain , handcuffing it when it comes to responding to fashion hits or misses and reacting to what H & M and Uniqlo do .

  9. “他们不一定受过西方教育,但我认为,她们紧跟时尚潮流,而且常常购买奢侈品,”chow说。

    " They may not be western educated but I suspect they follow fashion trends and buy luxury goods , " says chow .

  10. 在奈吉尔.巴伯尔(NigelBarber)进行的一项研究中,他将英国在1842年至1971年间的胡子修剪时尚潮流与婚姻市场上的男女比例联系了起来。

    A study by the appropriately-named NigelBarber linked British facial hair fashions between 1842 and 1971 to the ratioof men to women in the marriage market .

  11. 大众在美国以70000美元左右的售价发布了造型典雅的奥迪A7四门轿车后,奥迪这个品牌立刻俘获了1%最富人群的心,成为时尚潮流的引领者。

    Audi arrived as a style leader for one-percenters when it unveiled its elegant A7 four-door coupe that sells for around $ 70,000 .

  12. 日本设计师Pico将猫咪形象与女性的挎包相结合,创造出一种仿真猫咪挎包,毛茸茸的猫咪形象十分受人推崇,引领日本最新时尚潮流。

    Japanese designer Pico has combined her love of cats and handbags to create highly realistic purses . The bags are shaped like kitties with whiskersand tails .

  13. 习语短语bandwagon时尚潮流Jumponbandwagon赶潮流bustyourchops捉弄人everybodyandtheirmumis人人都在做的事sport(v)穿,展示,炫耀cheesy(adj)傻傻的inadvertently(adv)漫不经心地,非故意的,但有效的

    New words : a group of people all following the same fad tease someone , make fun of them an activity has become too popular wear , show off silly , disappointing not on purpose , but effective

  14. 身处21世纪NBA时尚潮流中,贝兹利也从新百伦的数字社交团队那儿学习打造自身品牌,甚至在他的ins账户上展示他的实习感悟。

    In true 21st century NBA fashion , Bazley also got to learn about building a personal brand from New Balance 's digital and social teams , even using his Instagram account to provide insight into what his internship was like .

  15. 到全球广播公司新闻台(NBCNews)首席外交事务记者安德莉亚?米切尔(AndreaMitchell)身穿黑色豹纹风衣、在晚间新闻播报叙利亚危机时,整个时尚潮流算是尘埃落定:动物斑纹装登上了头条新闻。

    By the time Andrea Mitchell , NBC News " chief foreign affairs correspondent , wore a black leopard print trench while delivering her nightly report on the Syrian crisis the trend was official : animal spots are big news .

  16. 除了主色系黑色以外,JOJO也会随着每一年不同的时尚潮流,适时加入当季流行元素,丰富品牌的完整性。

    Besides the black , JOJO will add each year in different fashion popular element of the season in due time to integrate the brand .

  17. 让心灵沉醉在东西方文化相融的交响曲中,轻松感受“SHUQINGFASHION舒謦”所描绘的一种与众不同的时尚潮流。

    Let the soul intoxicated blending eastern and western cultures in the symphony , the relaxed feeling " SHUQINGFASHION " described a different fashion .

  18. 这一词汇由纽约时尚潮流预测机构K-Hole首创,该机构近日发布了一篇名为年轻模式:自由报告的报道。

    The word was first coined by a New York fashion trend-forecasting agency called K-Hole , which recently released the report Youth Mode : A Report on Freedom .

  19. 这一词汇由纽约时尚潮流预测机构K-Hole首创,该机构近日发布了一篇名为“年轻模式:自由报告”的报道。

    The word was first coined by a New York fashion trend-forecasting agency called K-Hole , which recently released the report " Youth Mode : A Report on Freedom . "

  20. AUSSINO澳西奴将始终从创意出发,引领国际时尚潮流。在纽约、伦敦、墨尔本、上海、新加坡和马来西亚,我们都能看见设计师们忙碌的身影。

    AUSSINO continues to keep abreast of fashion trends with an established number of in-house designers , with teams based in New York , London , Melbourne , Shanghai , Singapore and Malaysia .

  21. Coolhunter(猎酷者)指研究最新流行趋势、时尚潮流以及相关理念并将研究成果出售给公司以使他们能够将这些信息融入到最新的产品中去。

    Coolhunter is a person who investigates cutting-edge trends , fashions , and ideas and sells them as market research to companies so they can incorporate them into their latest products .

  22. 伦敦大学时装学院的BrendaPolen,也就是本项目的发起者说:裤装是传统的职业装,因为男人就是这么穿的。这可能会带起新的时尚潮流,因为在过去二十几年里裤装在时尚里一直没有一个举足轻重的角色。

    Brenda Polen , director of programmes at London College of Fashion , said : " Trousers are traditionally the uniform of power because men wear it . " This could be more about fashion as we have had two decades where the trouser suit has not had a significant role to play in fashion .

  23. 主持人:又到了我们追寻时尚潮流的时间了。

    THE HOST : Time now for our trend track down .

  24. 我以前总是追随时尚潮流。

    I used to try to keep up with fashion trends .

  25. 这种发型由好莱坞明星带进时尚潮流的。

    This hair style was brought into vogue by Hollywood stars .

  26. 它还是近年来国际时尚潮流的重要元素。

    Recent years it is an important fashion element in the world .

  27. 很快她便对这些鞋心生厌倦,而时尚潮流也变了。

    She soon got tired of the shoes and the style changed .

  28. 酒店格调高贵典雅,容时尚潮流与优雅华贵于一体。

    The elegant style of the hotel accommodates fashion and classic grace .

  29. 时尚潮流发展得如此迅速,步伐甚至超越了这座匆忙的城市。

    Fashion moves so quickly , it outpaces even this bustling city .

  30. 一个超级巨星理所应当地要引导时尚潮流。

    A superstar certainly takes charge of the fashion tide .