
shí dài
  • Time band;chronozone
时带[shí dài]
  1. 她打行李时带了一套换洗的内衣。

    She packed one change of underwear .

  2. 我们翻看他们的八卦时带着不洁的想法。

    We read the gossip written about them with prurient interest .

  3. 球员在备战明天的比赛时带着蔑视对手的情绪。

    The players are in defiant mood as they prepare for tomorrow 's game

  4. 上班时带上雨衣。

    Take your raincoat with you when you go to work .

  5. 你出国时带多少外币?

    How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad ?

  6. 他评论时带着典型的讽刺口气

    He commented with typical pungency .

  7. 如果一个人要在你的要求下才会改变、才会说爱你、才会在吃晚饭时带酒、才会在飞机降落后给你打电话,那你们之间的关系是你无法承受的。——

    If you have to ask someone to change , to tell you they love you , to bring wine to dinner , to call you when they land , you can 't afford to be with them . -

  8. OnPageLoad函数调用makeDerbyRequest函数,调用时带一个参数show。

    The OnPageLoad function calls the makeDerbyRequest function with a parameter of show .

  9. Groovy在幕后完成了许多工作,这是为了防止了这个Eclipse插件在你执行代码时带你穿梭于Groovy基础设施之间。

    Groovy does a lot of work under the covers and this prevents the Eclipse plugin taking you through the Groovy infrastructure as you execute your code .

  10. 文成公主读过许多书,很有才华。她入吐蕃时带去了许多医药、生产技术书籍(ji)和谷物、蔬菜的种子,还有唐朝精制的手工艺品。

    Princess Wencheng took with her to Tubo medicines , books on science and technology , grain and vegetable seeds , and exquisite handicrafts of the Tang Dynasty .

  11. 还有更怪的,我保持着自己用一把雅马哈(Yamaha)SV-200电子小提琴、一个超简单的USB音频接口(买小提琴时带的ApogeeJam96k)和一部iPhone录制弦乐二重奏和合奏,还有一些小提琴和民俗音乐的习惯。

    I also keep going more down the rabbit hole on recording string duets and ensembles , plus some fiddle and folk music , with myself using a Yamaha SV-200 electric violin , a supersimple USB audio interface ( the Apogee Jam 96k - it came with my violin when I bought it ) and an iPhone .

  12. 您说话时带着鼻音。

    When you speak , your voice has a nasal tone .

  13. 请不要遗失。每次来时带着它。

    Please don 't lose it and bring whenever you come .

  14. 洗手,必要时带上手套。

    Wash your hands and , if appropriate , don gloves .

  15. 我希望你结婚时带上

    I was thinking you could wear it to our wedding .

  16. 她因为受了惊,开头讲话时带着怒气。

    Because she had got a fright she sounded angry at first .

  17. 采用更换正时带排除其仅行驶4600km后在高速公路上不能加速的故障;

    The second is failing to accelerate on highway - change timing belt ;

  18. 大时带积非线性调频脉压信号及其性能分析

    Large time_Bandwidth product NLFM Signals and Their Performance Analysis

  19. 爸爸上班时带上了一些面包。

    My father took some bread with him when he went to work .

  20. 扩频通信中信号的大时带积处理

    Large Time-Bandwidth Product Processing of Signal in Spread-Spectrum Communications

  21. 和生病的员工讲话时带上一个防尘面具

    Talk to sick employees while wearing a dust mask

  22. 尼姆来时带了酒来,是一瓶很难买到的赫艺老窖红葡萄酒。

    Nim had brought wine-a hard-to-get Heitz Cellar Cabernet .

  23. 来看看他们被捕时带的钱。

    Let 's take a look at the money we caught them with .

  24. 通道特性相关时带乘性噪声系统观测噪声的最优估计

    Optimal Estimation of Measurement Noise for Systems with Relevant Multiplicative Noise in Observation Channels

  25. 导弹发射车主机发电时带外供电的方法

    Method of main engine power generation of missile launching vehicle with outside power supply

  26. 他说这话时带上一点讽嘲的意味。

    He said it with a sarcastic twist .

  27. 蒂娜:行。我明天早晨上学时带去。

    TINA : OK . I 'll bring it to school in the morning .

  28. 他说话时带着一种比别人高明的神气,把我们俩惹恼了。

    He said it with an air of superior knowledge that irritated both of us .

  29. 这大概是在他逃走时带出来的一块囚犯吃的面包。

    It was probably the prison-bread which he had carried with him in his flight .

  30. 假如我能重做一遍,我会在旅行时带更少东西。

    If I had to do it again , I would travel lighter than have .