
  • 网络Timing;sense of time;sense of timing;time sense
  1. 看电视的习惯会歪曲了时间感。

    The television habit distorts the sense of time .

  2. 一个人的时间感改变。

    One 's sense of time is altered .

  3. 我没有时间感和方位感。

    I get mixed up about times and places .

  4. DV景深空间是一种富有创造性的表现手段,它能够改变画面的空间感和时间感,能够增加画面的艺术表现力和审美价值。

    In DV shooting , the depth of field is a way of great creativity , it can change the sense of space and time , enforce the artistic and esthetic value .

  5. 我的时间感和地区感都混乱得可怕。

    I am frightfully confused regarding time and place ;

  6. 强烈的孤独感、紧迫的时间感、命运的无常感又使他处于个体的生存困境之中。

    He deeply felt the solitary and pressure of time , and that fate was capricious .

  7. 在童年与现在的流转中,这种时间感的获得,在很大程度上依赖的是成年视角与儿童视角的不断转换所积聚的时间厚度。

    In novels , the sense of time depends largely on the shift between child and adult perspectives .

  8. 跳水运动员要求有空中感觉,协调,柔韧性,优美,平衡感和时间感等素质。

    Diving need spatial awareness , coordination , flexibility , grace , poise and a sense of timing .

  9. 她有很好的空中感觉、调性、韧性、衡感和时间感。

    She has very good spatial awareness , coordination , flexibility , poise and a sense of timing .

  10. 个人基本素质包括:平衡感、注意力集中、协调性和时间感。

    The basic individual qualities of the archer include balance , concentration , coordination and a sense of timing .

  11. 而过去、现在和将来的统一整体化使得剧中的时间感变得混沌和难以理解。

    The wholeness of past , present and future leads to the obscure sense of time in the plays .

  12. 由于效率测量,如何快速完成工作,每个人都对时间感兴趣。

    Since efficiency was now measured by how fast a job was done , everyone was interested in time .

  13. 平民化电视剧以艺术的手法再现生活,以真实的情感表达生活,具有真实的时间感和空间感。

    It reappears with the art life , expresses with the true emotion , has true time and true space .

  14. 因为人们要到很多地方,做很多事情,人们对知道准确时间感兴趣了。

    As people began to go to more places and do more things , they were more interested in knowing the correct time .

  15. 听完整个故事之后,神真夜几乎失去了时间感,依然站在阴影下。

    Having heard the full details of that story , Sakaki Mayo lost track of time and was still standing rooted to the spot .

  16. 也就是,我并不仅仅对平均付款时间感兴趣,而且还对给定方案中最糟糕情况感兴趣。

    Namely , I am not just interested in the average checkout time , but also in the worst case in a given scenario .

  17. 滑水运动要求运动员具有力量、耐力、柔韧性、协调性、平衡性和时间感等素质。

    Water skiing requires strength , stamina , flexibility , coordination , balance and a sense of timing . a person with poor motor coordination .

  18. 有研究表明,网络成瘾者在互联网使用过程中,时间感、空间感、现实知觉、自我觉知会在使用互联网时发生改变。

    Some researches suggested that during being online , the time sense , space sense , reality perception and self-perception of those with Network addiction would change .

  19. 那地方跟这里也差不了多少,只是没有时间感,因为空气稀薄那里的东西都“轻飘飘”的,还真令人失望。

    Disappointingly , the whole place was much like here , but with no sense of time and with everything " strung out further " in the thinner atmosphere .

  20. 举例来说,当你的时间感减慢或加快,你的自我意识消失(这些听起来就像是身处新纪元的感受),你过去不知道这是怎么回事。

    So for example , when it feels like your sense of time slows down or speeds up , and your sense of self vanishes & those sound like new-agey sensations .

  21. 然后班纳老师回到了教室——这男人的时间感绝对是一流的——拉着一个高高的带轮子的金属架,上面放着一台看着很笨重的老式电视机和录像机。

    Mr. Banner backed into the room then - what superb timing the man had - pulling a tall metal frame on wheels that held a heavy-looking , outdated TV and VCR .

  22. 文章介绍了运动员在散手比赛和训练中必须具备的心理学基础即距离感、时间感、运动知觉、注意与反应。

    The paper introduces the specialized sense players have to posses in boxing match and training , such as , sense of distance , sense of time , sense of movement , sense of attention and sense of response , and so on .

  23. 发展愿望;教龄因素对小学教师现代性人格形成的影响主要集中在效能感、时间感、参与精神、重视教育理论、尊重学生和发展愿望六个方面;

    Fourth , length of service as a teacher affects the formation of personal modernity of primary teacher on the following , sense of efficacy , sense of time , sense of participation , concentration on educational theories , respect for students , and desire of self-development .

  24. 我对认为限制思索时间并不感兴趣。

    I 'm not a fan of artificial limits on think times .

  25. 未来时间充裕感的程度也会影响人们对当前任务的预测。

    Time slack also had effects on the estimation of present task duration .

  26. 只有当社会变迁速率较快时,时间焦虑感才有可能出现。

    Only when society changes in a fast speed will time urgency possibly occurs .

  27. 时间效能感能显著地正向预测企业管理人员的主观幸福感,能负向预测消极情感得分。

    Time efficiency can accurately predict corporate administrators ' subjective well-being and negative emotions .

  28. 研究员严莉晶考查了时间焦虑感会给人们带来的影响。

    Researcher Linjing Yan looked at the effect of something called time urgency impatience .

  29. 特别是时间效能感是自我价值感各层面的一个显著的预测变量。

    Especially , time efficacy was an evidently predictive variable to the three levels of self-worth .

  30. 我们产生日益加重的时间紧迫感还有一个原因:日渐繁荣富足。

    There is another reason for our increased time stress levels , too : rising prosperity .