
  • 网络Postmodern culture;post modern culture
  1. 从焦虑到觉醒&对后现代文化的沉思

    From Anxiety to Awakening & Contemplation on the Postmodern Culture

  2. 新新人类和后现代文化

    New New Human Being and Postmodern Culture

  3. 索卡时间是阿兰·索卡(AlanSokal,物理学家)通过后现代文化研究杂志《社会文本》(杜克大学(DukeUniversity)出版)设计的骗局。

    The Sokal affair was a hoax by Alan Sokal ( a physicist ) perpetrated on the postmodern cultural studies journal Social Text ( published by Duke University ) .

  4. 胡戈《一个馒头引发的血案》是中国后现代文化的典型文本,戏仿(parody)是滑稽模仿(burlesque)的特殊类型,是后现代创作的表现手法之一。

    Hu Ge 's A Bloody Incident Triggered by A Steamed Bun is typical of Chinese postmodern culture . Parody is one of special types of burlesque , and is the performance of postmodern creative tactic .

  5. 罗蒂认为,走向后现代文化是人类文明的进步。

    Rorty believes that post-modern culture to the progress of human civilization .

  6. 社会学视野下对传统、现代和后现代文化的比较研究&丹尼尔·贝尔文化思想探析

    A Comparative Study of Tradition , Modernism and Post-modernism from Sociological View

  7. 后现代文化语境中的跨文体写作

    Cross - style Writing in Post - modern Cultural Context

  8. 仿拟的运作机制及其在后现代文化语境中的表现

    Working mechanism of parody and its presentations in the postmodern cultural context

  9. 后现代文化语境中的电影口述史叙事

    The Narration of Film Orally Narrative History in the Postmodern Cultural Context

  10. 后现代文化在电视综艺节目中初露端倪。

    Post-modernism has made its initial appearance in miscellaneous art TV programs .

  11. 论王朔小说的后现代文化特征

    Features of Post-Modern Culture of Wang Shuo 's Novels

  12. 后现代文化与作家境况

    The Culture of Postmodernism and the Author 's Condition

  13. 摘要后现代文化包括两个部分:后现代性文化和后现代主义文化。

    Post modern culture consists of two parts , postmodernity culture and postmodernism culture .

  14. 后现代文化语境和90年代诗歌叙事性的发生

    On the Occurrence of Narrative Elements of Poetry in 1990s and the Post-Modernist Context

  15. 后现代文化思潮的兴起对教育技术这门学科产生很大的影响。

    Social Life of " the Culture Revolution " and Influence on Post-modern Culture ;

  16. 后现代文化语境下的电影叙事策略

    The Movie 'S Narrative Tactics under Postmodern-Culture Conditions

  17. 后现代文化境遇中的中华民族精神弘扬

    Championing the Chinese Ethos in the Postmodern Context

  18. 英国浪漫主义诗歌研究在后现代文化视域中的多元走向

    The Multiple Tendencies in the Study of English Romantic Poetry in a Postmodern Age

  19. 后现代文化与教育媒体开发原则

    Postmodern Culture and Principles of Developing Educational Media

  20. 网络文学的后现代文化逻辑

    Post modern Cultural Logics of Cyber Literature Networking

  21. 互文性理论的后现代文化语境

    The Postmodern Cultural Context for " Intertexuality "

  22. 后现代文化思潮与文化建构主义心理学

    Postmodern Cultural Thoughts and Cultural Constructionist Psychology

  23. 在后现代文化语境中,文学经典缺失已是一种客观事实。

    The absence of literary classics has been an objective fact in the post-modern era .

  24. 后现代文化研究视野中的奥斯丁

    Austen of perspective of postmodern cultural study

  25. 后现代文化语境下的翻译标准问题

    Translation Criteria in the Post-Modernist Cultural Context

  26. 从身体突围&论后现代文化语境中的女性身体写作

    Breaking through the Body & On the Female Body Writing in the Post-modernism Cultural Context

  27. 论网络语言的后现代文化内涵

    The Post-modern Cultural Connotations of Internet Language

  28. 后现代文化在某种意义上是对前现代文化模式的回复,并未超越现代文化。

    The post-modern cultural model only could grow in the outcome of modern industrial civilization .

  29. 这些现象也被一些理论家纳入后现代文化这一宽泛的范畴之中。

    Those phenomena also are brought into the wide category of Postmodernism Culture by some theorists .

  30. 随着后现代文化的兴起,身体问题已经成了生活政治的核心之一。

    As the rise of post-modern culture , body has become a core of life politics .