
  • 网络post-industrial era;Post-industrial society
  1. 试论后工业时代体育休闲的人性意蕴

    Discussion on Human Nature Meaning of Sports Leisure in Post-Industrial Era

  2. 后工业时代旧工业建筑的转型再利用

    The Transformation of Old Industrial Buildings in the Post-Industrial Era

  3. 5horse-and-buggydays马车时代,以往岁月。后工业时代的危机总是能让人们回想起以往的岁月。

    The post-industrial crisis1 always reminds citizens of the horse-and-buggy days .

  4. 想看更前卫的景观,就去都市狂欢(UrbanSpree)画廊,这个高能量艺术馆位于斯普利河附近一座后工业时代的街区,平时这里也承办艺术盛典。

    newer on the scene is Urban Spree , a high-energy gallery in a postindustrial complex near the Spree River , which also hosts art events .

  5. 工业时代商业竞争中的特色、益处营销理论如USP理论正转向后工业时代以消费者为中心的体验营销。

    USP and other characteristic and benefit marketing theories that dominated competition of the industrial age has been replaced by the consumer-centered experience marketing theory of our post-industrial age .

  6. EBD是对全球进入后工业时代以来形成的生态城市、城市郊区组团化、科技产业园等多种先进发展文化的融合,代表着新的城市发展方向。

    After the world enters post-industrial time , EBD represents the trend of city development , with ecological city format , city-outskirt amalgamation and industrial parks etc.

  7. 后工业时代的危机总是能让人们回想起以往的岁月。

    The post-industrial crisis always reminds citizens of the horse-and-buggy days .

  8. 简论后工业时代美国少数民族文学的崛起

    American Multi-Ethnic Literature in the Post-Industrial Age : Its Advent and Thriving

  9. 后工业时代中国产业类历史建筑遗产保护性再利用

    Protective Reuse of Chinese Industrial Historic Building Heritage in the Post-industrial Age

  10. 教育问:后工业时代的学习与社会

    Questioning Education : Learning and Society in a Post-Industrial Era

  11. 一方面是后工业时代,人们进入消费时代。

    The first is Post-Industrial Society which spur people enter the consumption times .

  12. 后工业时代米兰单功能城区更新

    Conversion of single-core area of Milan in post-industrial time

  13. 后工业时代非物质设计的形成机制及其必然性

    Study on the Immaterial Design Formation Mechanism and Inevitability in the Post-industrial Era

  14. 后工业时代家具非物质设计观&服务系统设计

    View of Immaterial Design of Furniture in Post-Industrial Age & " Service " System Design

  15. 主题公园是现代旅游业中成长较快的一种现代旅游资源,被世界旅游组织称为当前乃至未来世界旅游发展的三大趋势之一,是后工业时代发展起来的一项综合性旅游项目。

    The theme park is a kind of modern tour resources in modern tourism industry .

  16. 快速营销反应系统下的整合营销研究&兼论后工业时代的营销理论与方法

    On Integrated Marketing for Quick Marketing Response System & Marketing Theories and Methods in Post-industrial Era

  17. 论休闲在后工业时代的意义

    Role of Leisure in Post-Industry Periods

  18. 从哲学视角分析后工业时代的设计

    Design in the Post Industrial Society

  19. 大量的图像消费,正是消费社会和后工业时代的逻辑发展。

    Huge amount of image consumption is the logical development of consuming society and post industrial era .

  20. 环境问题是人类自进入后工业时代以来面临的最重要的社会问题之一。

    Environmental issue is one of the most important social problems being faced by people since post-industrialized era .

  21. 电影叙事的后工业时代文化背景造就了当代电影叙事的特殊境遇。

    The narrative mode of contemporary movie has been in a special situation because of the influence of industrial cultures .

  22. 后工业时代的大学城&来自加利福尼亚大学欧文分校的启发

    The University As a Town in the Post-industrial Period & Elicitation from the Irvine Campus of the University of California

  23. 尤其是进入后工业时代以后,科幻电影在制作上获得一个整体的技术提升,科幻电影在观念传达上经历了新的洗涤。

    Specially after stepping into Post-industry Society , Sci-Fi movie obtain a whole advance in technique and experience a new washing-up .

  24. 苏格兰经济在后工业时代经历了痛苦的转型,不过在近几十年,其经济一直整体表现强劲。

    Scotland 's transition to a post-industrialised economy has been painful , though its overall economic performance over recent decades has been strong .

  25. 而进入20世纪的西方社会学当下的生身情境就是丹尼尔·贝尔所谓的后工业时代或弗里德里克·杰姆逊所谓的晚期资本主义。

    The background of the western sociology facing the 20th century was post-industrialism named by Daniel Bell and Late Capitalism proposed by Fredric Jameson .

  26. 第三章分析爱情三部曲的文化内涵,探讨爱情在后工业时代下的现实社会意义。

    The third chapter analyzes cultural connotations of " Love Trilogy ", to discuss the actual social significance of love in the post-industrial era .

  27. 本文主要讨论后工业时代科幻电影创作中的社会观、后工业时代科幻电影的时空观、后工业时代科幻电影的机械观、后工业时代科幻电影的外星生命观四个方面。

    This paper mainly discuss the idea about society , time and space , machine and life in exterior space in Sci-Fi movie production .

  28. 处于后工业时代的大众,被快速变革的社会现实所挤压,过度的信息泛滥和爆炸围绕和围困周围。

    In the post-industrial era of mass , extruded by rapid change of social reality , excessive information overload and explosion surrounds and besieged around .

  29. 巫术与技术结合来共同打造艺术,或许正是后工业时代艺术的发展走势。

    Art is created by the combination of witchcraft and technology , which may be the trend for the art development in the era of post-industry .

  30. 历史上的乌托邦观念可分为四种类型:古代乌托邦、前工业时代的乌托邦、工业时代的乌托邦和后工业时代的乌托邦。

    The conception of Utopia could be divided into four periods in historical perspective : ancient Utopia , pre-industry Utopia , industry Utopia and post-industry Utopia .