
  • 网络openness and inclusiveness
  1. 安全上,倡导全面安全、共同安全、合作安全理念,推动建立平等透明、开放包容的地区和国际安全合作架构。

    In the security field , it is necessary to champion the concept of comprehensive , common and cooperative security and promote the building of regional and international security cooperation architecture featuring equality , transparency , openness and inclusiveness .

  2. 中国的发展坚持的是相互尊重、平等相待、求同存异、开放包容的精神,既使将来强大了,也绝不把自己的意志强加于人。

    Mutual respect , equality , seeking common ground while reserving differences , openness and inclusiveness - these are the principles underpinning China 's development . I want to stress that even when we become developed in the future , we will never impose our will on others .

  3. 深化东亚合作,要坚持开放包容的精神。

    To deepen East Asia cooperation , we should be open and inclusive .

  4. 二是秉承开放包容。

    Second , we should stay open and inclusive .

  5. 亚洲人民历来具有开放包容的学习精神。

    The people of Asia have an open and inclusive spirit of learning from others .

  6. 一个国家、一个民族,只有开放包容,才能发展进步。

    A country or a nation will grow and progress only when it is open and inclusive .

  7. 未来的中国,将是一个更加开放包容、文明和谐的国家。

    Tomorrow 's China will be a more open , inclusive , culturally advanced and harmonious country .

  8. 五彩斑斓的多元文化,孕育了仙桃人开放包容的个性。

    The colorful and rich diversified culture has cultivated the Xiantao people 's opening and forgiving personality .

  9. 第四,坚持开放包容,为促进共同发展提供广阔空间。

    Fourth , we should remain open and inclusive so as to create broad space for enhancing common development .

  10. 在这方面,我曾经在新加坡讲过,开放包容,国家才能富强。

    As I said in my speech in Singapore , I believe only a nation that is open and inclusive can prosper .

  11. 唐代女冠的大量出现与当时开放包容的社会风气和女性社会地位的提高有密不可分的关系。

    The Position Position classification ; The phenomenon reflected the open ethos and the improvement of female 's social position of the day .

  12. 他们的经历不仅使自身一夜成名,同时也使得这两所大学对普通市民更加开放包容的形象更加深入人心。

    Their stories not only made them well known but also promoted the images of the two universities as more accepting of average citizens .

  13. 你会发现,在周四周五这两天,对于谈判协商这类事情,我们的态度更加开放包容,原因就在于我们希望在工作周结束之前把事情都处理掉。

    Thursdays and Fridays find us most open to negotiation and compromise because we want to finish our work before the week is out .

  14. 坚持开放包容,推动文明对话,积极促进国际秩序向公正合理方向发展。

    China will continue to be open-minded and inclusive , promote dialogue between civilizations , and work to make the international order more just and equitable .

  15. 只有开放包容才能使祖国强大。把发扬祖国的传统文化和借鉴其他国家的先进文化结合起来。

    And we will also combine our effort to carry forward the Chinese cultural heritage with the effort to draw upon the culture of other countries .

  16. 它需要一种深邃的注意力和耐心的等待,一个沉思的态度,以及对与自己的经历不同的人的慷慨大方和开放包容。

    It needs a profound attentiveness and a patient waiting , a contemplative attitude and a generosity and openness to those whose experience is different from my own .

  17. 东盟遵循开放包容、开拓进取的原则,积极发起和推进地区合作,成为亚洲区域合作的重要驱动力量。

    By being open and inclusive and taking new initiatives , ASEAN has initiated and advanced regional cooperation , becoming a major driving force for cooperation in Asia .

  18. 只有这样,才能使祖国的文化得到进一步发展,也就是我常说的,只有开放包容,才能使国家强大。

    Only in this way will the Chinese culture enjoy greater development . As I have often said , only an open and inclusive country can be strong .

  19. 为人才创业、成长营造公平公正、规范有序的法治环境,以及鼓励创新和开放包容的人文环境。

    Starting businesses and growing to build a law environment that is fair , normalized and ordered , and a human environment that encourages innovation and is open and forgiving .

  20. 那么,我们就要以开放包容的心境来吸收新的资源并能将传统文化的底蕴与之互渗,这也就是传承与重构。

    In that case , we will absorb new resources and focus on traditional cultural interaction with an open-mind and tolerant attitude . This is really sustainable inherit and effective reconstruction .

  21. 哈贝马斯提出宪法爱国主义,主要是为了破解民族的狭隘情结,为人们的共同生活造就一个开放包容的共同体。哈贝马斯宪法爱国主义的主要特征是开放性。

    When Habermas put forward constitutional patriotism that is characterized by openness , he intended to break through the limitation of nationalism and build an open and tolerant unity for human beings .

  22. 国际社会应当本着开放包容的精神,尊重不同历史文化、宗教信仰、社会制度的国家自主选择可持续发展道路。

    The international community should be open and inclusive and respect the independent choice of path of sustainable development made by countries with different histories , cultures , religious beliefs and social systems .

  23. 我相信会有更多的外国人到中国。中国持开放包容的态度,希望各国人民之间相互尊重、互学互鉴。

    I believe more and more foreigners will come to China and see that China is an open and inclusive country which hopes for mutual respect and mutual learning between people of different countries .

  24. 来自北京某留学机构的资深顾问陈霞(音译)表示,是否具备对中国学生开放包容的社团组织成为许多学生申请留学时的一个重要考虑事项。

    For many students , a Chinese-compatible student community is an important consideration when applying for study abroad programs , according to Chen Xia , a senior consultant at a Beijing-based study abroad agency .

  25. 在报道过程中,呈现出中国和平崛起、开放包容、公正客观、欣欣向荣的国家形象,而对伦敦奥运会的报道则构建了一个财政紧张、组织无序的举办国形象。

    The report shows the image of China that peaceful rise , open , fair , objective and thriving . For the London Olympic Games it builds a financial strain disorganized the hosting country image .

  26. 曾经开放包容的美国,如今关上了国门,拒绝众多技术和投资移民。

    A less tolerant America , whose prosperity was built on openness to the world , has shut down its borders and locked out many of the skilled and eager immigrants whose help it could dearly use .

  27. 中国还愿虚心地倾听世界的声音,以开放包容的心态加强与外界的对话与沟通,这是中国外交应有的胸怀。

    We are also willing to listen attentively to the world , increase our dialogue and communication with the rest of the world with an open mind . We regard this as a demonstration of the broad-mindedness of Chinas diplomacy .

  28. 我们致力于建立开放包容的互联网经济环境,为中小企业和个人提供安全、高效、低成本和普惠融资服务,分享互联网经济红利。

    We commit to promote secure , efficient , low-cost and inclusive financial services to enable SMEs and individuals to share the benefits of economic development , with a view to building an open and cooperative environment for the Internet Economy .

  29. 东亚多个地区合作框架和机制并存,符合东亚地区多样化的客观现实,中方积极支持和参与各机制的合作,致力于构筑一个相互补充、开放包容的合作格局。

    There are multiple regional cooperation frameworks and mechanisms in East Asia . This meets the reality of diversity in the region . China actively supports and participates in cooperation under these mechanisms , and is committed to building a mutually complementary , open and inclusive cooperation environment .

  30. 开放、包容、非歧视、透明和基于规则的多边贸易体系

    an open , inclusive , non-discriminatory , transparent and rule-based multilateral trading system